7- No Goodbyes

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"Calm down, Taetae." I say, trying my best to calm the angel down. "What's the matter? What's wrong with me feeling this?" I manage to change the word from 'you' to 'this' as to avoid making him feel even more blameworthy. Taehyung looks at me pitifully, like there is something he wants to tell me, but he is worrying about the consequences after telling it.

"I...can't. If you know further about this total mess, you will get yourself killed one day." The red eyes flashes in my head again while I'm recalling the scene in the kitchen again. Maybe Taehyung's right, but I rather take the risk of knowing more details in order to prepare for the worst.

Taking in a deep breath, I utter, "Taetae," in a serious tone, averting his gaze on me. "I'm sorry, but I really need to know what will happen if I can really do this." Taehyung's lips part as if I have slapped him on the face. To be honest, I don't mean to hurt him yet this is the truth, both of us have to face it, no matter how we're feeling with it or not.

We pause for a while with Taehyung facing away and I still glaring at him with my questioning orbs. Finally, he sighs and turns towards me, clearing his throat. "Are you ready to face with any consequences of this, goma?" He leans towards me as he ruffles my black hair. I can feel myself blushing when his face is only a few inches away from me. Nevertheless, Taehyung doesn't seem to notice because he is ruffling my hair, treating me like a small kid as how he uses to call me.

I chuckles. "Go ahead. I'm waiting." My eyes glitters with joy while I lead out an adorable smile. At that fleeting moment, Taehyung looks surprised but soon, his lips purse and he smiles back sweetly.

Finally, Taehyung speaks, "If you start to feel the angel, you will soon not belong to this realm," says Taehyung with his expression turning solemn. Apparently, he is not joking around like how he is in those videos I've watched. "And I will turn evil one day because I-" Taehyung licks his lower lips in a mere second and he looks extremely unwilling to and speak it out loud. "I have fallen." He admits bitterly but my brain stops functioning at the moment. What I think about Taehyung is - there is no way for him to become one of the villains, this doesn't suit him. Besides, he has a good heart which will never be polluted by brainwashing yet negative thoughts. "I can feel something is coming after me, by the time when it gets me, I'll be turning bad by then."

I sip in some cool air with my parted mouth. "Taetae," I start with my dry throat. I have to tell him anyway, before things turn out even more complicated. Taehyung looks me in the eye, just like how I used to pay attention in class. "Remember that I went to the kitchen just now, alone? For water?" Taehyung nods.

But after a moment, his eyes widen before I get to proceed. "Did you see anything weird? Or..." He circles his fingers by the side of his right temples. "Scary?" I nod. "Arl rio juseyo (Tell me)." He raises his chin while changing his sitting position.

Hence, this is how I get to tell him about the white, scaly claws and the big red eyes I saw earlier in the container. Taehyung nods occasionally, encouraging me to continue. "Am I going crazy, Taetae?" I ask, meanwhile fear starts to engulf my soul and triggers my tear glands. Everything around me turns obscure while my vision blurs.

"Anio (No)," says Taehyung soothingly with his firm tone while he gives me a hug. "You're not, goma-Dee." I hug him back while my face heats up by the tears. I don't dare to imagine the moment when Taehyung is no longer acting as warm as right now.

"What can I suppose to do, Taetae?" I murmur under my breath and lean against his right shoulder. They are strong and firm, which is definitely the most suitable place for me to seek comfort and feel safe. I remember watching him wailing and screaming towards the sky when he pulls out the big thorn from his injured wing. It was so heartbreaking that my heart hurts so much. My memory tastes bitter, I can feel it at the back of my throat.

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