15- Food Wish

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This is awesome, Taehyung has actually brought me to a complete food paradise. It's a place which looks a little like my neighbourhood. However, the only thing different here is the trees and houses.

They aren't ordinary but loaded with my favourite food. "Oh my God!!" I run around the place like how a five-year-old kid reacts when arriving to somewhere he or she has dreamt of. Now, I'm standing under an old tree grown with bowls of mushroom soup and garlic breads. Wow! It's definitely a tall tree. Without my wings which I have in that dream, I'll never reach them.

Taehyung, on the other hand, crosses his arms on his chest while observing my reaction. When I look at him with my eyes pleading for help, he only raises an eyebrow and smirks instead. "A little help please.." I tilt my head while having my arms akimbo. Shaking his head with chuckles, Taehyung walks towards me with his long legs. But still, my gaze contains the sign of curiosity as I start to wonder why he doesn't seem wanted to unfold his wings.

As Taehyung is only metres away from me, I back away because the pressure exerted when my personal space is invaded unexpectedly is too strong. Yes, I've asked for Taehyung's help, but I don't expect it to work in this way. This is a little...weird. Until my back hits the tree trunk, Taehyung has been towering me with his smirked face. He braces one of his arms on the trunk, locking me beneath his range of embracement.

Slowly, his face approaches mine, speeding up my heart beat. His hot breathe lands by my left cheek and finally, on my ear lobe. "Call my name. I miss hearing it." I shiver while Taehyung ends his words with his chuckle.

Swallowing upon Taehyung's sudden weird act, I try my best to say the word he always loves to hear. "Tae...Taetae?" He chuckles again while his breathe collides by my sensitive skin. Taking a deep breath while closing my eyes, I exhale. "Can you please help me Taetae?" I try not to blush and finish my words with my most normal way.

"Haedo jotda, goma.(Can, small kid.)" answers Taehyung with his rhythmic tone, drawing out my huge smile of happiness. Soon, I can see those strong raven wings starts to protrude through his bare back. Then, I squeak upon his sudden action of scooping me up in his strong muscular arms. Chuckling, Taehyung flaps his wings continuously until both of us have reach a strong branch. "Shit down here." I can't help but giggling upon his cute English slang.

Taehyung puts me down gently. Then, both of us are now sitting and relaxing our nerves on that very branch. I pick two garlic breads and hand one of them to Taehyung while he passes one bowl of fresh mushroom soup to me. The mushroom soup tastes good and really, it's having the taste which I've expected. "Taetae." I call him after taking my second sip of the soup.

"Yea, museun il ip nikka?(Yeah, what's the matter?)" asks Taehyung while he takes a bite on the garlic bread and starts chewing like a hamster.

"Can..can you sing?" I rub my index fingers as he manages to swallow the food in his mouth. "Again?"

"Sing?" He ensures.

"Nei.(Yes.)" I answer with a nod and a longing expression plastered on my face as I start rubbing my palms. Don't worry, my hands are empty now and yes, I've eaten faster than a boy. Oh correction, a man.

"Hmm.." Taehyung gazes up to the sky when he starts considering. "What song?" Then, he turns back to ask for my opinion.

I brace my chin as to think for a song I want to hear. "How about..." My eyes narrow for a short while, then finally, I manage to come out with a decision. "Adele's Someone like you?"

"Ooh, okieyay?" He nods slowly, a little taken aback when the song I've suggested isn't really sung by BTS. However, he still clears his throat and prepares to sing. Soon, there are colourful birds and insects surrounding us when Taehyung closes his eyes. An orchestra of the song begins while the animals start chirping.

His beautiful voice melts me like an ice-cream, calming my soul like an angel. I hope this lasts forever though this is impossible. But then, I start opening my mouth and sing along with him, forming a beautiful chorus together with the nature.

Nevermind I'll find
Someone like you
I wish nothing but the best
For you too

Don't forget me
I beg
I'll remember you said

Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes
It hurts instead

Taehyung opens his eyes and looks longingly at me when he hums to end the song. As an audience, I'll never forget to clap.

"Thank you, thank you." says Taehyung with his nachus smile. The animals around us soon scramble away as they are relationships between predator and prey. Bugs hide, while birds prey. "Still hungry?" asks Taehyung while I nod with pouted lips. Before Taehyung manages to bring me towards other food sources, the black hole which appears to be the entrance shines in white.

"What's happening?" I ask absentmindedly while gazing down from the tall tree.

"It's Jeon Ryeong(Messenger)." murmurs Taehyung. "Shit down okay, don't fall." He reminds before diving to the ground and lands perfectly.



My face turns stern as Jeon Ryeong enters this realm without my permission. But that's okay, I try to calm my temper down by taking several deep breathes.

He wears suit and tie which are ironed neatly. The black and white outfit suits his muscular body well.

"My lord." says Jeon Ryeong while he kneels down with a knee.

"Rise, Jeon." I say with a snicker as I've never become a leader before. Yes, I'm still trying to get use to it. Clearing my throat, I ask with the best proper English which I've memorised previously, "Is there news which is so urgent to acknowledge me?"

"Nei.(Yes.)" Jeon answers, a light smile forms on his face when his lips curl slightly.

"So what is it?" I question closely in a calm state. However, there is the urge hidden which drives him to spit out all the things he knows now.

"The Great Council has sent you an invitation." claims Jeon Ryeong in his formal English. "It'll be held on this Monday night." Night huh? What a good time to create those supernatural crimes. This thought makes me smirk while I brace my chin with my knuckles, imagining something evil which I can do when the day comes. "Umm, my lord?" Clever Jeon Ryeong, always snaps me out from my train of thoughts in the right time.

"Ahh, mianhae." I apologize with a weak smile. "The Great Council huh?" I make sure again which is rewarded by Jeon Ryeong's nod.

"This is the invitation letter. Please read it, my lord." Jeon Ryeong kneels on one knee as he hands me the letter with full respect.

"Sang kill." I thank him formerly as I take the letter with both hands. "You may as well withdraw, Jeon. Kamsa hamnida for sending the message."

"Of course, my lord." Jeon Ryeong does what I've said as he withdraws with his half-bent body. Saying nothing, I watch silently until his figure disappears into the dark entrance.

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