30- Guardian Angel

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Not knowing how long have I been sleeping, my eyelids start flustering while waking up from my bad dream. My breath becomes unsteady because of this but when I turn and notice the sleeping angel beside me with his head on my shoulder, my stress is then relieved.

My lips curl into a satisfied smile when good memories of us start to flow through my mind and cover the bad ones.

Memories when we first met - 'Raindrops land on my skin, sending chilliness on the part they've landed. I get on my feet and try my very best to walk away.

"Ga..ji..ma..." The angel speaks finally. Although he speaks Korean, I somehow know the word: Don't go. But still, I continue on my pace towards my destination, away from the angel. "Gajima...neoja..." Neoja means girl and I'm the only girl who witnesses his presence. I turn and my black innocent eyes meet his crayola ones.'

Memories when he protects me from Yoongi's threat - '"Cuwo? Neo..ja? (So cold? Giiirrrrllll?)" Suddenly, a hair-raising and cold voice sounds right beside my ear. I shiver upon the cold, icy breathe of the one who's talking and turn towards the voice.

I gasp and hop away to Taehyung's other side as I catch the view of Yoongi. His bright red eyes are scorching hungrily on me as he manages a devious grin. Shit, I'd never seen Yoongi like this before, so this explains why Jin-oppa is bitten. His fangs are protruding from his red gums, which makes me shaking badly in fear and nervousness.

"Aish, chinjia Yoongi-hyung! Genseiyo! (Aish, really Yoongi bro! Stop that!)" exclaims Taehyung in frustration while Yoongi bursts out laughing towards the ceiling. "You scared Heidi already." Taehyung pushes Yoongi away from his wing hastily with his face in disfavor.'

Suddenly, my meditation stops when Taehyung's head nudge a little. A low groan escapes from his slightly parted lips when his eyelids flip open in a meantime. "Goma (Small kid)?" He turns to face me when I smile at him, seems like he's had a bad dream too.

"I'm here," I assure with a warm smile. "Did you sleep well?"

Although Taehyung is a little taken aback by my question, he still manages to react by shaking his head with a weary smile plastered on his angelic face. "I can't lie." He whispers. "You can read me and so do I."

I gulp at his words but say nothing. Everything he's said is true.

"We have to go now," Taehyung's eyes shows helplessness as he urges me to go. "We have to wake them up." He adds while managing himself to a standing position. His body towers in front of me, blocking the sunlight. His back faces me, making me to wonder what his expression looks like right now. "Kaja, goma(Come on, small kid).." His voice is shaking, as if he's afraid of something, but he's forcing himself to be prepared.

"Is it about the Great Angels?" Somehow, I can't control my mouth from spitting out wrong questions. Not surprisingly, silence is the answer. Pursing my lips tightly as I curse myself from being so stupid quietly, I follow Taehyung towards my room, where his siblings are in.

However, a strange feeling keeps finding its way up my shaking spine. Something is not right. I don't know whether it's my oversensitive six sense or my bad habit of thinking too much. When Taehyung's hand is about to squeeze the door knob, a noise of something fallen is audible.

"Tae..." I call but the said angel prefers to ignore me. "Be careful," Taehyung nods while he quietly squeezes the door knob and yanks it open.

A gasp escapes from both of our mouths when what we've seen, is something white and huge. It is an exoskeleton creature with jagged pincers and huge, deadly claws. A Zectobit.

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