48- Up onto Earth

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Taeyong turns into a large stag with interfering staghorns growing on its head when we try to escape. He lets me sit on his back while he tries to knock down all the blocking demons with his horns and hoofs. My throat aches as I scream upon all the scary demonic attack towards us. But surprisingly, all the dark magics repel as they touch Taeyong's body, as if the spells can't work on us.

"Master Bogum won't be kind to you this time if you do not go back with the girl this instant!" A demon threatens as he casts another demonic force towards us. As the force touches us, it ends up splitting into small purplish and pinkish and orange sparks, forming a firework which does no harm but decorating the atmosphere.

The stag, or Taeyong, flashes its threatening gaze back at the attacking demons. His deep talk penetrates through his throat after he gurgles with a low chuckle. "Do report this extremely important case to your master, let him know, let him furious, let him pay for what he did." After finishing his words boldly, Taeyong lifts up his back limbs and kicks the demons who have tried to attack from behind.

Due to the forceful kick, the demons end up becoming black dust together with their echoing ghostly shrieks. " Jeong mal mi chin (This is really crazy)..." I murmur when Taeyong leaps up the stairs and shifts himself into a huge Siberian tiger. I can't help but holding on tighter on the larger animal's fur as I can see my legs dangling further from the ground. "Taeyong?" I ask, looking at the furious demons blocking ahead.

The tiger swings its head and flaps its ears occasionally before it stops. It roars loudly at the black dust until they scatter and break apart. The roar is so loud that the walls cracks and the edge breaks. "Hold on tight." After reminding sternly, Taeyong who is still appearing as the large black animal, charges towards the half opened double doors that show hints of rain clouds drifting in the hot red atmosphere.

The incoming strong wind slaps my face even more vigorously as the tiger speeds up until no one can stop us. Knowing that after we've exited this place through the door, it's freedom which awaits us, forever. We will be living above Hell and away from any risky situations. But- 

Why is my heart beating so fast like a race car? Why am I feeling scared? 

Nevertheless, there is no time for me to think because it is now or never. As Taeyong finally leaps his way out of the door, what I can see is only angry grey cumulonimbus clouds and growling thunder drifting around as there is no place for us to land or step on. I grab onto Taeyong's neck even tighter and call his name continuously.

The minute before, I've lost hope and accepted my fate to die here. But the minute after-

"Hold on!" In this fleeting moment, Taeyong spins in the air and shifts into a large heron, its wings wide when they are spread. However, my throat is extremely dry and painful when I scream, losing my grip on the underworld messenger as my body tosses itself out from him.

Falling, I close my eyes and and force myself to stay calm. Thinking about the happiest moments I've spent with my friends, how I met the most handsome boyfriend I've never seen in my life in this horrible place and lastly, the cutest little sister in the world who always smiles like an angel - Heidi. Soon, my mind starts to picture the moment when our laughter resonates throughout the sandy beach as the warm sea water washes our feet with white flowery splashes, when Dad's waterproofed camera clicks to store our sweetest smiles with the captured photographs, when we had our chewy egg sandwich with crispy bacon as we take our rest.

That is the happiest moment I've experienced throughout my dull human life, until I meet Taeyong - the boyfriend who brings in miracles to my life with both rainbow colours and grey.

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