46- To Have is To Lose

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Third Person's POV

The human's eyes snap open after a short three seconds of utter silence, cutting off all the force field that remains in this atmosphere. The declination of the force is too strong, until Bogum and Jeonggyu, who has been releasing the forces are sprung backwards, backs hitting the walls.

Such unusual force has driven out different reactions from both of the magic casters - Bogum with a satisfied yet dark smile plastered as he spectates the mighty result of his hard work; Jeonggyu with a painful groan as he coughs out blood while gripping onto his shirt hard where his chest aches so much.

As for the Influenced human, her eyes shows a symbol which no one would ever understand but Bogum. Then, the symbol vanishes when her eyeballs becomes visible. A dark brown colour consisting of no life just like dead leaves falling down from the dead tree.

After turning from left to right, observing her surrounding with her never-surprised face, she sits up like a corpse has come to life. Her gaze is sharp when it lands onto Taehyung, who is fighting to stay conscious while making his way towards his brother with all fours. "Tae..." is all she mutters under her breath before turning towards Bogum.

"Hey," the Devil calls. "How do you feel baby?" That very last word would have triggered Taehyung if it's not because of Jeonggyu being his priority right now. But instead of responding to his question, Heidi turns away as if she doesn't see him.

"T-Taehyung," Once again, her mouth shapes the angel's words as she draws the blanket away climbs down from the bed, walking towards him. "Taehyung..." But once she has reached a fairly short distance away from him, her movement is stopped by something invisible, as if there is a barrier standing there, blocking her way.

Her body bounces back as she touches the barrier, a gasp of shock released from her her parted lips. She then turns, her eyes parallel to Bogum's again and yet, she turns back towards the angel boy again. She can feel that somebody is calling her, that somebody in this room is trying to reach her but couldn't. She remembers Bogum, but what she's thinking right now is "where is he?".

"Heidi my girl, I am here." Bogum says with his hands waving frantically at her, but everything he gets for a response is only an awkward silence except for Taehyung's sorrowful sobs towards his dying brother.



Not knowing the reason why I've woken up in this place, I shoot my glance all around and find it to be one of the rooms in the hospital. There's someone struggling to reach a collapsed body at the left side of my bed, while at the right side, there's... no one.

I remember Bogum standing there, at the corner, watching the ritual of my Influence. And Tae, who is he crying for? Involuntarily, my lips shape his name. "Tae..." Through this breath of that one-syllable word, I find myself love to call him that. But as the thought surfaces, my head aches in a way which makes me think towards the opposite.

What is wrong with me?

My vision is changing from blurry scenes to a clear picture, as if my irises have turned into a focusing shot of a camera, though eyes do function like that but not as acute as that. Such unstable intake of light into my eyeballs is a little pissing me off, especially when I can't find Bogum from every direction of this room.

Taehyung's sob is still vibrating my eardrum although he's doing it as soft as he manages to. His arms curve when propping his brother's head. His voice echoes with the name - Jeonggyu. After taking in a deep breath, I try to ignore the violent beat of my heart while taking small steps towards the brothers. "T-Taehyung." I can't remember how many times since I've been calling Taehyung's name, but I do remember that my Tae doesn't really paying attention to me right now. Once again, I call, "Taehyung."

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