14- Fight or Die

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Heidi has been staying in this situation for three days since I've brought her back here, in my realm.

Her eyes will open occasionally. However, they are not black. Her eyes are white entirely and sometimes, they glow. Though this isn't her true self, she still remains beautiful in my eyes as a minyeo(pretty girl).

Bad things always happen when she jumps towards me and tries to choke me to death. Luckily, I'm always the strongest here, she'll never defeat me even if she has the chance to do so.

The sleep spell which I've casted upon her is not ordinary. That spell leads her to the truth, and only she can find out the answers if she fights.


After seconds or even minutes of struggling, I finally stop moving and just simply lie on the ground, panting hard. My back is bleeding and my clothes behind me are torn as my wings are visible. They are..


What the-

Am I dreaming now? Well maybe, as this place doesn't seem real to me. "You're not dreaming, Heidi." Immediately, I'm shocked by what the girl has said. Did she just read my mind? "Yes, I can read you even though I can't look into your eyes." My eyes are now opened wide and almost bulging, at the same time, my lips part but nothing comes out from them.

Raising up my head, I face the girl who claimed to be me. My clearer vision portrays the outline and the face of the girl standing in front. She's right, she looks just like me. If she has her eyeballs on, she'll be my clone.

Once I finally get onto my feet, the world starts shining from where I'm standing. A little bright red track with two white stripes appears under my feet and lengthens to the front.

"You must race with me and find the star." she says while flapping her wings to my side. A little breeze slaps onto my face which is reminding me that I can slap her back with my own wings too.

Slowly, I try to move my new wings and soon, my feet leave the ground. This is amazing. I'm literally flying. "Where can I see the star? And what shall I do when I find it?" I ask while my wings flap harder.

"Just grab it and think of waking up." she says with a shrug.



Heidi's condition worsens day by day. There is one time she's tried to dig her lengthened nails into my throat when she grabs me. I'm a little caught off guard upon the side effects clinging onto her. I've no choice but to cuff her up on the bed. Although her legs are free, she can't run far from her bed as the chain will secure her in a specific distance.

"Oppa, dinner time!" Here comes my sister, Eon Jin. She's a little annoyed by how I treat Heidi recently, even though she hurts me often. Yes, my sister's tone shows full-scaled of annoyance.

"Coming." I answer lazily while standing up slowly. The door behind me closes when my sister leaves. As I've not eaten for almost three days, I'm really hungry and yes, I can't stand it much longer.

Standing up while bracing my hands by the bed, I turn. The awaiting entrance to my food source is almost shining like a diamond, making my stomach growls like wild animals. But someone grabs my hand and yanks me back instead when I'm about to take my first step. Gasping in shock, my body loses balance and I stumble right onto the girl sleeping on the bed.


My wings are getting stronger and firmer when they grow bigger during the flight. They are beautiful and are glowing like a star. Wait, a star! So I am the star that the girl has been talking about. No wonder she follows me everywhere I fly.

"You've seem to be noticing what you are, Heidi." says the black-winged girl darkly with a devilish grin. Suddenly, she speeds up and before I can notice where she is, my chest is stabbed by one of her pointed wings.

I can't help it but scream in pain while I start to fall. The red track which I've mentioned before is no-ordinary track, it's a stream of blood and the white lines shown are the skulls floating on the surface, which have been arranged neatly by some sort of forces. I guess that girl will be taking over my body then, as I hear echoes of Taehyung's voice all around when I haven't win back my own self. This time, I hear his gasp, is he surprised again by what the other me has done to him?

But then, miracles happen when my wounds start to heal rapidly. The pain dies away and my strength returns. Before my body touches the deadly red stream, my wings flatten in the air and I am flying again. Phew, that's close.

"You!" I charge towards the startled girl with rage. "You have no rights, no rights to use or even touch my body!" Sure enough, the girl is getting weak when my strength grows back entirely. I grab an axe from a statue nearby as I fly pass it, then I swing it as hard as I can and it's free from my grasp.

Soon, a loud scream escapes from her mouth as I see an entrance full of light. Without hesitation, I dash towards it and everything turns silent.

A sudden pulse makes me open my eyes wide while I open my mouth at the same time, trying to breathe. But somehow my stomach feels heavy and something big is suffocating me on top. The sight of Taehyung who is lying on me startles me hard, both of us scream while our eyes meet.

"Arrrhhhh!!!" Taehyung hops away quickly while explaining that he doesn't mean to do such thing. His wings are folded back which makes him looks more human. "Jusong hamnida(Sorry), I don't mean to.." The way he covers his face while embarassed is damn cute.

"Wait a second.." I raise my hands and recognise those steels covering my wrists, are manacles. "Why are you..? Where am I?" My eyes read his wronged face while questioning him suspiciously.

"Wanna eat something?" However, he tries to change the topic instead of answering me. "Goma." His face shows sorrowness and helplessness when he forces out a smile.

"Ah I.." Just then, my stomach growls, making me blush in embarrassment now. I cover my face with my cuffed hands which jingles the chains, but they are soon taken away by Taehyung's gentle grasp.

His palms are warm and when they glow, the manacles on my wrists loosen and splatter onto the ground. "I'll take it as a yes then." He smiles warmly and leads me out of the room.

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