7 It's decided

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"Sorry I'm late." pambungad ko sa mga nakaupo sa dining table ng mansyon nila daddy. It's always been our tradition to eat dinner together every sunday. I saw everybody turn their heads at me and different reactions can be seen through their faces. Daddy is angry, my stepmom is grimacing, my stepsister Abby is rolling her eyes, my younger stepsister Ara's adoration for me written all over her face.

I saw the Montalbans are also present with their brooding only son Xavior. Nagkahulihan kami ng tingin and I saw his scowl deepened as he look me up and down. I even raised my bandeau covered chest proudly and let him roam his eyes on my exposed stomach. My skirt also didn't cover much of my legs. I raised my brow at him challengingly but he only shook his head in disapproval. But then who cares? Who cares if he disapproved? Certainly not me! Pakielam ko naman sa kanya at sa suit niyang pwede ng pang-burol niya?! Okay, I'm exaggerating. His suit-clad self is not a bad sight, pero 'di ko iyon aaminin. I turn to face Tito Aristel who is all smiles. I smiled back at my favorite person.

"Ate Shannie! I missed you!" Sigaw ni Ara at tumakbo paakap sa akin.

"I've missed you too pumpkin!" Aniko at ginulo ang buhok nito. She's eight years old so I understand her adoration for a big sister.

"Sit down, Shanti. Sana sa susunod agahan mo ang pagdating." maawtoridad na sabi ni daddy kaya napasunod na lang ako.

I always feel out of place sa ganitong dinner. I am my dad's first child, my mom died of childbirth. My yaya always told me I look like my mom and I understand why dad is hard on me. I feel guilty of the loss of his wife because I was born and I killed her.

He married Tita Sarah when I'm nine years old and I thought everything will change between me and dad but it turns out for the worst. I feel left out so I left them and live on my own when I turned sixteen. My dad is a respected senator and also a successful businessman. He provided for me really well but then again, that's the only thing he is good at.

I sat myself quietly to the only seat available which is beside Xavior and Ara on my right. I ate quietly and with a boredom expression on my face as Tito Aristel and daddy tackles about their business ventures and everyone is ignoring me except Ara.

"Hey ate Shannie, did you know that the largest animal is the blue whale and the tallest is the giraffe? Also did you know that ostritch can lay more than 100 eggs in a nest?" Bibong kwento ni Ara sa akin and I stiffled a laugh.

"That bird must have been very busy to lay that much eggs!" Natatawang sabi ko sa kanya and I heard a chuckle beside me but I ignore it.

"Ate Shannie, did you know that a female pig is called a sow? A female stag is called a hind and a male cow is called a bull?" Natawa ko sa kabibuhan at kakulitan ng kapatid ko sa ama.

"Really now? Hmm... bull? I know a different name for it but I'll tell you all about it when you grow up." Natatawang bulong ko na ikinasamid ng nasa kabilang side ko.

"Dont corrupt the child's mind Shanti." mahinang bulong ng lalaki sa tenga ko na nagpatindig ng mumunting balahibo ko sa batok.

I turned my head so suddenly that our lips almost touched. I can already smell his breath at his nearness and I myself can't seem to breath. Masyado pa lang malapit ang mukha nito sa akin nung bumulong ito. He moved away with a silly grin on his face and continue eating like he didn't do anything. Ramdam ko ang biglang pamamasa ng kili-kili ko. Shit! Bakit ang init?! Napatingin tuloy ako sa centralized aircon ni Dad sa dining area. Full blast naman iyon. Inabot ko na lang ang tubig sa gilid ko para kumalma at mawala ang pagbabara ng lalamunan ko. I turned to Ara again and I saw her picking on her food.

"Shanti, I need to talk to you, stay after dinner." Madiing sabi ni daddy na tinanguan ko na lang.

After the dinner, daddy ask me to come with them at his office. Nagtatakang napasunod na lang ako sa kanila. I faced daddy, Tito Aristel and Xavior.

"Shanti, your Tito and I decided that it is high time you settle down, you are no longer young, you're twenty five already and it's time we shut the rumor lanes of your singlehood recklessness." Napasimangot ako sa stern na mukha ni daddy habang sinasabi iyon. Singlehood recklessness?! Iyon ba ang tawag niya sa mga ganap ko sa buhay?!

"Really dad?! This marriage bullshit again?! I'm not that old! And besides I'm not yet in a relationship. I'll let you know when I found myself a boyfriend." Aniko at pasalampak na umupo sa couch doon habang nakatayo lang silang tatlo. This talk of marriage is always making me feel trapped, every time I came here, dad's endless talk of me settling down is his cup of tea.

"Watch your language lady! I said we have decided already Shanti. You and Xavior will get married." Pinal na ani daddy na nagpatanggal ng bored na expression sa mukha ko. Kulang ang salitang gulat sa naging itsura ko. I stood up ang look at them intently. Joke ba ito? Prank?! Me and Xavior?! Oh fvck me! But they all looked serious and it finally dawned on me, hindi sila nagbibiro.

"What the fvcking hell are you guys thinking!?" I yelled on top of my lungs.

Sultry ShantiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon