17 Married

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We are now face to face as I try with all my willpower not to slap the grinning Xavior who's being conceited from the fact that he won this time.

Shanti - 1
Xavior- 1

And I swear that once I step my feet on land, I will think of ways to be rid of him!

But for now, I have to endure this. What else can I do anyway? If I decided to fight him, how am I gonna win? He is a head taller than me and well-built. He can easily wring my neck or throw me offboard, feed my body to the sharks and no one will know. And I don't wanna die in this awful sea in the middle of nowhere. No one is gonna help me and from the looks of his men, they all look loyal to their master. I sighed in defeat, but just this once. Pakiramdam ko rin trinaydor ako ni Tito Aristel pati na din ni dad. Pinagka-isahan nila ako para makasal agad sa lalaking ito. How can they agreed to this?! How can they let me marry him in a freaking yacht?!

I wasn't even listening to what Captain Hank is saying, I was so preoccupied with thinking of ways to get rid of Xavior.

Parang gusto kong itali siya ng nakahiga sa punong puno ng cobra na kama.

O kaya ihulog siya at ipalapa sa kulungan ng buwaya.

Or much easier lasunin ko na lang, kaso mabilis lang siyang mamamatay n'on. Hindi ko mae-enjoy.

...and when I'm on my seventeenth thought of 'ways to kill your husband' I looked at Captain Hank who looks like he is not even close to finishing up his preaching as he read something from the bible when I boredly interrupted him.

"Father Hank, can we skip these and just ask the question then let's just sign the paper." Mapait kong sabi na ikinatawa naman ni Hank. I saw him eyed Xavior so I also looked at Xavior only to see him smirking.

"Don't mind her,Hank. She's too anxious to be my wife and let's just say, she's excited for the honeymoon." Anito na ikinalaki ng mata ko.

"Oh no, I'm not Montalban! I just want it to be over with!" Nanlilisik ang matang sabi ko.

"Yeah, I can't wait too, dear." Anito na ikinaikot ng eyeballs ko. Halatang binibigyan niya ng ibang kahulugan ang mga sinasabi ko para maasar ako.

Nakakagigil talaga ang lalaking 'to, anong akala niya sa akin?!

I heard Hank chuckled and then cleared his throat. He just continue reading again. I stop interrupting and let him finish snail-paced.

Finally, I said my 'I do' with a bored expression. Sinuotan din ako ni Xavior ng isang white gold na singsing. It felt foreign in my finger. Simple lang iyon na may isang puting bato sa gitna. Kaparehong tabas ng singsing na isinuot ko sa daliri din niya. And when Captain slash Father Hank says.. you may now kiss the bride I panicked.

"No need for that. Where will I sign?" Tarantang aniko ng biglang hinapit ako sa bewang ni Xavior at mabilis na bumaba ang ulo niya sa akin at inangkin ang labi kong nakaawang pa sa gulat. Nanlalaki ang mata ko habang nakapikit naman ang kay Xavior. He devoured my lips like its a delicious dish, biting and tasting me. I tried pushing him and bending my head away but he just grabbed my nape with his free hand and push my head to meet his.

Napapikit na din ako at nadadarang sa sarap ng halik ni Xavior at marahang sinagot ang halik niya. It was a needy kiss. The kiss of a straved man and woman, too passionate enough to consumed our being. We are close to becoming breathless when I heard a man purposedly cleared his throat and it somehow woke me up. It woke me up that I am kissing Xavior and my eyes opened up so damn fast.

Sultry ShantiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon