11 Perfect

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It was another feeling of de javu as I hail a cab and think about how stupid I am to spend a night with him. I knew all we did was sleep but the feeling of being beside him in my most vurnerable state was too intimate for my taste.

And what the hell happened to me when he kissed me?

I feel like melting, that's it! Melting to his expert kisses.

What is that?!

I ran my hand into my hair, frustrated at what I felt and what I am facing in the near future. Two months! That's how long my freedom's gonna last.

Ugh! I so hate him!

I hate hate hate him!

Inis na mantra ko on the way home. I swore never to get drunk again. I feel like what happened will be continuous if I get myself drunk over and over again and I don't want that. I don't want to wake up with another hang over only to see his fvcking face. Only to wake up in his fvcking bed and breath his fvcking manly smell.

Never again!

But then I remembered I will eventually see his fvcking face because I am to marry him. What a bad luck!

Wala na palang takas uminom man o hindi.


"Hey lurv, Wanna come to a rooftop party?" Bungad ni Anna sa akin sa cellphone after saying my hello.

"Oh sure, tonight?" I felt excited. Music, booze and the idea of friends surrounding me in an open high building will be fun. I'm sure even if I ended up drunk, Xavior wouldn't be there. I felt caged already with my trail of thoughts on how to avoid Xavior.

"At Bryces' building. 10pm, bring your guy. Hell I don't know who is your latest flavor anyway." she said and laughed

"I'll bring Brian." I said. I needed to explain to him what happened last night anyway.

"Oh, I know him, cute guy, alright Shanti, seeyah!" She said and ended the call, I called Brian next to tell him about tonight, he just said he'll pick me up and I quickly ended the call.

I wore cap sleeve bandage dress that hugs my body and show off my heavy cleavage, I just let my curled hair down. I paired my dress with a loud coral orange louboutin pumps and I put on an orange matte lipstick to match my shoes and I'm --- purrrrfect.

The rooftop was turned into a set up club as strobe lights  were hubg and gives a dancefloor vibes to the place. The music is loud and booze are bottomless. My kind of party! They also have a handsome DJ that turn it up to a more exciting exchange of music and dances.

"So tell me, who's the guy?" Brian asked and I sighed. I can clearly see a cut on his lower lip, maybe from a thrown punch from last night.

Who is he to me anyway? My....

"Sorry about last night Brian. That guy is supposed to be my soon-to-be-husband. The one who passed my father's list of credentials to become his son-in-law." I almost felt like vomiting from my admission.

"What? Well fvck me!" Gulat na sabi ni Brian

"So, when is your wedding? Are you even gonna invite me? Does everyone knows?" Sunod sunod na tanong niya na muling nagpabuntong hininga sa akin. Napangalumbaba ako sa lamesa and I feel defeated.

"No one knows yet. You're the first one to know. I'll tell everybody when dad has a date. I'll invite you if you really wanna come and the wedding's in two months. Two months that's how long my freedom is." I drank my vodka after that. Consumed with too much frustrations.

"Fvck! I didn't know Senator Almonte is one hell of a manipulative father." Anito na napapailing pa.

"I can't blame my father,  Brian. I've been a real naughty girl." Nangingiting sabi ko na lang.

"Why does your talk of naughtiness turns me on babe?" Husky na sabi nito na nagpatawa na sa aking ng malakas. I know he wanted to lighten up the mood.

"You, baby, are so easy to please, I bet you could cum with just words too!?" Natatawang sabi ko sa kanya na nagpatawa na din dito.

"You have to try it to believe it, baby!" Anito na kumindat kindat pa.

"Come on baby,  quit talking dirty, let's turn it into dancing dirty instead." I said and wink at him

"Oh baby, I feel so fvcking filthy already!" Anito at nagtawa ako sa pag-arte nito.

We once again danced. Small kisses were exchanged. There were rubbing, groping, palming, tickling and moaning with each body contact.

Brian and I didn't stop until we are so drunk that all we did is laugh loke crazy. He finally decided that we hit it off when I can't even walk straight. He carried me to his car and drove me home to my condo. I shouted my blasphemy on the streets as we laughed on the way home.

He carried me as we wait for the elevator. We were still on the laughing pill when the elevator opens and we came face to face with the last person I wanted to see. It seizes our laughing marathon. Parang natulos pa sa pagkakatayo si Brian samantalang ako ay nanlalaki ang mata sa gulat. Buhat pa din ako ni Brian at di siya makagalaw. Animo'y bigla nawala ang pagkalasing namin pareho.

"Going up? " Ramdam ang galit at sarkasmo sa boses niya habang hinihintay kaming pumasok sa loob ng elevator. Dahan-dahan akong bumaba sa pagkakakarga ni Brian at nagkusa ng pumasok sa loob ng elevator.

"Ah... Brian, thanksh for bringing me home. See yah next time." Aniko sa kabadong tono. Kung bakit ako kinakabahan ay di ko rin alam.

"Alright Shanti, will you be okay?" Anito sa akin, alam ko ang ibig sabihin niya at tumango ako bago tuluyang magsara ang elevator door at umakyat.

"Looks like you enjoyed your night, fiancée?" I can feel the sarcasm and anger with his tone. He can really brings out my temper with his sarcastic remarks.

"Oh veeerrry much! I enjoyed myself very very much fiancé." I said in my singsong voice, adding a fake smile for a touch, but I'm not looking at him or else he will see my nervousness. The elevator feels so small when he's in it. Although it can fit ten person, I feel crowded with just him by my side. I feel suffocated by his presence.

"Why are you here anyway?" Balik ang inis na tono ko sa kanya.

"Practice." Sagot nito.

What the hell is he practicing?!

"Practishing what?" Pero 'di na niya ako sinagot dahil bumukas na ang elevator door at nauna na itong lumabas. I am starting to slur my words.

Such an ass!

My vision started to blur again when I started to walk. I almost forgot that I am so damn drunk. Nangapa ako, literal! Nangapa sa pader para makalakad. Much better kesa gumapang.

When I finally reach my door, Xavier was alteady there and leaning on the wall. Watching me from my drunkeness.

Such a pig! Not even offering help! Ugh! What is doing here anyway!?

After a lot of tries of wrong passwords, I finally opened my door. It was an effort to punch those numbers when your vision is swimming and all is blurry.

"What you doin' here anyways?" I recognize my words are starting to slur as I walk again in my wobbly feet trying to go to my bedroom.

"Practicing sleeping with you." He said behind me which almost made me stumble if not for the hands that steadied me.

"Whattafuch are you shayin?!" Why is it so damn hard to straightened my speech?
I know my eyes are already drooping. Then I felt like floating in the air, and it made me realized that he is carrying me. I can already feel myself drifting to sleep.

"Practice makes perfect Shanti." I heard him whisper in my ears as I succumb to darkness.

Sultry ShantiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon