19 Demands

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Shanti POV

What in the hell are you doing wearing nothing but your underwear?! Galit na galit na bulyaw nito. I can feel my heart racing, from being shocked or being scared, I don't know which. Maybe both!

Ugh! This guy is going to kill me! Not unless, I kill him first!

"Do I look like I'm fishing?! Of course, I'm sun bathing. Duh?!" Sarkastiko kong sagot sabay upo sa towel ko.

"Cover yourself!" Anas ng galit na galit na si Xavior. I sighed and took my time to slowly stand up and face him.

"Get out of here! Now!" Malakas na bulyaw ni Xavior na ikinatalim ng mata ko sa kanya ng mapansin ko ang tatlong tao sa likod niya. Kasama pala niya si Hank, Miko at Tj na itsurang natulala sa akin. Nagmamadaling tumalikod ang dalawa ni Hank at Miko samantalang naiwang nakatingin pa din si Tj sa akin. I smiled at him and he grinned back. I even gave him a small wave which he returned while still ogling me. I don't mind.

"I said get out! Fvck it Tj!" Galit na galit namang sigaw ni Xavior kaya kumindat muna sa akin si Tj at napipilitang tumalikod at umalis.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Inis na aniko habang sinasalubong ang mata nitong nanlilisik sa akin.

"You! You are my fvcking problem! Why are you naked?!" Bulyaw nito habang pinapasadahan ng mata niya ang kabuuan ko. I felt conscious with the way he is staring at my body but I didn't react and made sure my face is blank. Showing him that I am not affected with his stares and scrutiny. I want to show him my unwavering strength and confidence. Ang sexy ko kaya!

"I'm not naked, Montalban! I'm wearing my underwear because I don't have a bikini. As you can see I'm aiming for a tan! What do you want me to wear? A fvcking shirt?!" Aniko na ikinapikit ni Xavior sa inis. He pinched the bridge of his nose as if I am a sore to his eyes and a pain in his head.

"Damn!" He said out of nowhere.

"Get back to our cabin and wear something. No more sun bathing from now on! Don't fight me on this or I'll make sure you wear nothing from now on, not even a single underwear on this whole trip! And you'll walk around here naked as a babe! Iyon naman yata ang gusto mo!" Muling bulyaw nito na ikinairap ko. Aba! Teka! Sumosobra na itong mokong na ito!

"Don't tell me what to do Montalban! You don't own me!" Gigil na sagot ko sa lalaki na lalong nagpadilim ng mukha nito.

"Don't provoke me, Shanti!" Anito na lalo kong kinainis. May warning sa tono nito pero sagad na sagad na ang inis ko sa lalaki.

"Don't patronize me, Montalban!" gigil na sagot ko naman sa kanya. He growled and in an instant I am swept off my feet and slumped into Xavior's shoulders. I felt my breath left me as he easily walks towards the cabin. I yelled in annoyance as I jabbed my fist at his back. Pero mukhang hindi ko man lang siya nasasaktan ng patuloy siyang maglakad papasok sa kabina. Walang pag-iingat na binagsak niya ako sa kama na dahilan para halos mawalan ako ng hangin sa katawan.

Nanlaki ang mata ko ng kinubabawan niya din ako pagkatapos. He gripped both of my hands and pulled it above my head. He then crashed his lips to mine, claiming me in a brutal kiss. I tried biting him but he bite me back making me groan in pain as he assaulted me more deeply. I tried to kick him but he just stopped it with his knees, boring it to my legs. I can feel the tingles that shook my body even if his kiss is savage.

I stopped my futile struggle and let him do whatever he wants. Then his kiss became more gentler and slower. Coaxing me to respond and react. His bite turn into nipping, his tongue playful and his lips seductively sucks mine. I can't help the moan that escaped my lips. My lips are quivering and wanted to play with his. I felt defenseless when I finally succumb to his seduction. I can now feel how hard his chest is when he totally pinned me to the bed. I don't even mind how heavy he is. I felt his warm hand on my hips making me realized that he has already loosen his grip on my hands. But I was too consumed with his expert kisses to even realized that. I pulled his head towards mine, wanting to prolong this blissfull kiss. He groaned inside my mouth as he thrust his clothed member to my already soaking wet panties. Shocked at the contact and the shivers that run thorugh my body, it warned me that I'm going too far with this. I have never been this consumed with the foreplay of sex that I almost willingly let this guy have me. But this is Xavior! Xavior! Oh my g! I suddenly push him away. Mukhang di niya napaghandaan 'yon at napalayo siya, na nagpatigil sa halikan namin. I pushed him more kaya napatagilid siya. Dali-dali akong tumayo at halos takbuhin ko na ang banyo. I locked myself in. And sat down behind the closed door. Napahawak ako sa labi kong namamaga at sa puso kong anlakas ng pintig.

Damn! I almost gave in?! What is it with Xavior that I can't seem to stop myself?! Hindi pa naman nangyayari sa akin na mawalan ng kontrol sa mga naging kahalikan ko?! Damn Xavior! Damn his expert kisses!

A knock on the bathroom door almost made me jump. Lalo ng nagwala ang puso ko sa pagkabog sa gulat.

"Don't go sunbathing again with just those sinful underwear, wife. Go down the deck after you put on some clothes. Lunch will be ready." Anas ng boses ni Xavior na ikiinit lalo ng ulo ko.

Always telling me what to do?! That asshóle!

I can't let him have the last word as I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Just take me back home! I will sunbathe whenever the hell I want! You brought me here against my will and force me to marry you in this gòddamn yacht and now you expect me to bid your wishes?! Fvck you and this yacht! I feel suffocated here! I hate being here! I hate being married to you! I fvcking hate you!" Gigil na gigil na sigaw ko sa kanya. Sinipa ko pa ang pinto sa sobrang inis ko.

"The feeling is mutual, wife!" Sigaw din ng lalaki at malakas na nagtawa.

How dare he?! Nakuha pa niya talagang tumawa!

Nawala lang ang tensyon sa katawan ko ng marinig ko ang pagsara ng pinto ng kabina, tanda na lumabas na si Xavior.

It's my second day here at the yacht but I felt like I've been here forever.

When will this torture ends?! I want my freedom back!

Xavior- II

Sultry ShantiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon