Chapter Three

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Unedited (sorry for the grammar mistakes. Enjoy)

I mentally question myself again as I follow Ian. I don't even know him and I'm trusting him? Fairytales don't exist in real life, but that doesn't explain my ability to make things float. There are at least fifty questions I want to ask Ian, but all courage leaves my body as we approach a huge black door.

For a king's palace, the scenery is really dark. The rest of the... area down here is bright, lively. This big dark door with ancient looking statues surrounding it makes me want to reconsider being goth. My problems have always been earthly ones. I've always been concerned about Rita, and now I have to worry about a new world? It seems like an opportunity of a lifetime but at the same time, I have to face reality. This world is unknown to me, and I'm sure that I'll be better off using my powers to protect Rita from my father than down here with Ian.

"What's on your mind?" Ian's voice breaks through my thoughts and my eyes meet his. I actually take a moment to admire his appearance. I can't say that he's unattractive. His dark brown hair and green eyes catch my attention first, along with his dark jeans and plain white t-shirt, and if it weren't for his personality, I'd assume that he was some bad-boy type.

"Everything." I answer truthfully, not feeling like unloading the boatload of thoughts and feelings on Ian. He nods in understanding and we walk down a long hall. The floors are a deep blue with black with silver streaks running along the sides. The color scheme of the room is basically black, blue, and silver. It's beautiful, but the feeling I get in my gut tells me otherwise.

We approach a throne, the chair huge and black with silver and blue decorations on the sides. The throne itself isn't what shocks me though, it's the man sitting in it. He's wearing a long black robe and underneath, a black silk shirt and navy blue pants. His hair is cut short and he doesn't wear a crown, but I can still tell that he's important just by looking at him.

"Ian, I see that you've followed my orders." The man speaks and his deep voice echoes throughout the large room.

"I have." Ian replied shortly. I can sense the tension in the air, but I don't say a word.

"Rain, is it?" The royal man asks and I nod.

"Yes." I answer weakly and he stands. A smile has grown on his face and I look to Ian to see him looking terrified. What in the actual hell?

"I have a request for you." He says, his tone serious. I watch fearfully as he saunters down the steps and walk until he's face to face with me.


"I don't know." I tell Ian as we exit the huge castle-looking place.

"What don't you know? The task is simple. Accompany me on a trip. The two of us are invincible. It's also the perfect training for you." Ian explains and I shrug. He leads the way and we turn a sharp corner.

"I have school and a home and my sister... Rita! I can't leave Rita!" I scream and he faces me with a confused expression.

"You have a sister?" He questions and I nod. He's frightening me. "Biological sister?" He asks again and I nod.

"Of course she's my biological sister." I say and his eyes widen.

"We have to get her." I says and turns around.

"I agree, but why are you so jumpy all of a sudden?" I ask and he continues walking. "Ian." I call and he stops.

"I'll explain it all later, but we need her to come with us." He tells me and turns around again. I want to make him explain himself, but I decide against it as his pace quickens.

We make our way back to the Main Street and I follow him into the cramp box. It reminds me of a public telephone kiosk and I'm proven right when I see the small metallic phone on the wall.

"What's the phone for? Is this like the Matrix?" I ask with a smile and Ian laughs.

"It's just for kicks, I guess. And no because we don't disappear. We get sucked down a tube and pulled around and pulled up. It's complicated." He tells me and I nod.

"Ready?" He asks and I grab onto him. I squeeze my eyes shut and whisper.

"Yeah." I say and I hear the button tone and in seconds, the floor disappears and my breath is taken away.


As I enter the house, I notice that everything is silent and dark. I look out the window to see Ian's black car still parked out front. I draw back from the window and make my way up the stairs. There's light coming from the crack under the bathroom door. As I move closer to it, I hear the water running and I knock lightly on the door.

After knocking a first second and third time, there's no answer so I twist the doorknob and enter. I pause at the sight before me. I attempt not to scream, but the I fail as the ear piercing sound leaves my lips.

I turn off the water and scoop up Rita's bare body. There are multiple cuts on her wrists and tears are gushing from my eyes blurring my vision.

I lay her body down onto my bed and shake her as hard as I can. My attempts are pointless though as she remains unconscious. I do the next thing that comes to mind and I clamp my hands together and push down on her chest. I blow into her mouth and push down on her chest again, this time harder.

I repeat the action, but her body remains motionless. My tears continue to blur my vision and my sobs have gone silent. I blow into her mouth again before positioning my hands to push on her chest, but I feel the familiar energy surging through me and I push down. The force is so hard, Rita's body flies back first into the nearest wall and her body falls to the floor.

I rush over to her body when I hear a gasp and coughing. I smile through my tears and let out a nervous but joyful laugh. I call her name, but her head is bowed and she's in the crouching position. I touch her shoulder lightly and in less than a second, her hand clamps over my arm and her eyes snap up to meet mine. I freeze at the sight of my sister, or who I thought was my sister. This person in front of me looks like my sister except her eyes are different. Her eyes are glowing red.


Rose Note: Hey guys. (I'm changing authors notes to Rose notes. I thought I was original... Lol probably not) Here's chapter three. Enjoy. Also, there's something going on with Rita. Do you think Ian is good or bad? Ian's dad is.... well he's like a king. Welp, thanks for reading and chapter four should be up soon.

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