Chapter One

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**TW: Violence, Self Harm, Sexual Assault***

"Rain!" I hear the frantic voice of my little sister yell. God, she's only 15. She shouldn't have to deal with this. Another tear rolls down my cheek. Her cries becoming louder and I grab my blade from my dresser and slash my skin.

"I deserve this. I deserve every minute of this, every drop of blood, since I can't help Rita." I say aloud, slicing my skin again. The familiar sting still brings tears to my eyes and I'll do anything to stop the noise. The cries. Her cries. Why won't they stop. Why won't he stop.

"Rain...please." My once innocent sister Rita yells and I can't take it. I run into the room right above mine and kick open the door. I find him on top of her. God, is he in her? My eyes are filled with tears, but my voice comes out strong.

"Father stop!" I scream to the man who is suppose to be Rita and my father. I hate him so much. I would do anything to kill him, to watch him die slowly for what he's done. First me, now my sister. My blade is in my hands, and I can't let this continue. He's rocking his hips on top of her and by the way she's screaming, I know what he's doing to her.

I dash toward him, blade in hand, only to feel a pair of arms yank me back and pull me to the floor. I see my frizzy-headed mother holding me down, stopping me from killing her husband who is raping my sister, again.

"How dare you stop me." I scream at her and scramble to my feet, but she has the blade. I ignore her cries and jump on my father's back. He collapses on top on Rita and she cries out. I roll over him onto the floor and pull him with me. He's wearing a lazy smile and his eyes are bloodshot. He's definitely drunk, or high, or both.

"You sick bastard." I yell, slapping him across the face. His smile fades and is replaced by a scowl. His big hands wrap firmly around my neck and he rolls on top of me.

"Sick? Do you want to see sick, my little Valentine?" He says, and the nickname makes me sick. He calls me by my last name, which is stupid because it's his last name too. "Do you?" He repeats, this time screaming in my face and I shake my head and back away from him.

My eyes dart to my little sister, a mirror image of me. Not because she looks just like me, because she doesn't, but because I've been there too. Crying, exposed, humiliated by my own father. I hate him so much. That's the only thing that comes to my mind when I think of him. Pure hatred.

I look to my mother. Pathetic. That's what I think about when I see her. Pathetic bitch who is just as sick as my father for allowing him to do this to us.

My eyes go back to my sister. Tainted. That's what I think about when I see her. She once had a light that burned so bright. She was so happy, so alive before my father moved back in. He ruined her. Although she's not as dark and tainted as I am, she is still damaged.

My father climbs to his feet, his bottom half exposed, and walks back over to the bed where Rita is tied up. My mother is just sobbing and holding onto the wall. The monster approaches her bed and we're all just sitting around doing nothing. I'm watching this man ruin my little sister. I'm watching this man kill the only person I love. I can't do that. Although I'm screaming at him, he's not listening and this is still happening. My eyes stop spilling over with tears and my face hardens and that's when it happens.

I reach my arm out and pull it back to my chest, making my father fly across the room and slam into the wall where my mom is. She shrieks and my sisters eyes are wide, like mine. My father scrambles to his feet and frightened, runs out of the room.

Without moving from my spot, I reach my arms out again and concentrate. I look back to my sister and pull the ropes from her arms and legs, freeing her. She scrambles to her feet and finds her clothes to cover her body. I turn around and glare at my mother and she escapes the room as well. Rita walks past me and whispers 'thank you Rain' in a small voice before leaving me alone in the room. I look down at my hands in amazement.

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