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Look at the hope that lives,
look at the eye that gives!

There is no hope in this place here,
there is no hope in this obsidian tear.

Look how these hearts have spoken their doom,
over these wolves that are howling with gloom.

For now we have been blighted by their sadness,
now we have conformed to all their madness.

So take my hand in yours with splendor,
let my heart be blinded by this fervor.

For we are now victim to our own serenity,
we are now victim to our own insanity.

And watch as the leaves are blinded by his cry,
watch as the moon screams fire to his pyre.

For there is no hope in this place here,
there is no hope in this world, filled with bitter tears.

Poesy of EloquenceWhere stories live. Discover now