telling friends

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John's pov

My weekend was so good, me and Preston were officially dating and I was happy, he spent most of his time at my house, which I didn't mind since that meant we could make out with each other until some came knocking on the door. It was Monday and I was worried, my friends don't like Preston, I'm worried about what they would say if they knew we are dating, I opened my locker grabbing my stuff when they approached me" hey John! Why did you ignore us this weekend? What was going on?" I blushed brightly as the events played in my head" umm, I went on a date....i uh gotta go" I ran to the bathroom and washed my face, they can't know " John? " I turned around and faced him" hey Preston" he looked in the stalls before grabbing me and closing the stall door, he kissed my neck" I missed you" I held in a moan" p-preston n-not here mgh" he sucked my sweet spot tenderly" Preston we have to get to claAh" I bucked my hips forward" seriously Preston, we can do this later" he stopped kissing my neck and looked at me" what's wrong?" I looked at my watch" I'll tell you later" he sighed softly as we entered the classroom right before the bell. Finally lunch! I always say with Adam and Ross so I went to find them, surprisingly I found Preston talking to them, but they ignored him completely" hey guys, what's up?" I just decided to play along " this dick Won't Leave us alone" I looked at Preston" I just want to sit down and eat my lunch" I sighed, they had to know" sit" he sat right next to me and the others gave me a questioning look"~ um John, why are you allowing him to sit here? He's a bully~" I rolled my eyes" no he's not, I got him to stop, we made a deal" they looked like the world had just ended" you got Preston to stop bullying people!" I nodded" but......*sigh* I'm just gonna say it" I paused for a while and looked at him for an okay, he nodded" uh what was that I just saw? Your not friends are you?" I shook my head no" oh thank god" I took a deep breath" we're dating" Ross spewed out his milk and Adam went wide eyed" What!" I shushed them" be quiet you banshees! look at first I didn't want to have feelings for him,i hated him for a long time, until we found out most of our classes are together, we started working together on our projects after we agreed that we would try and get along, one thing lead to another okay........i understand that you don't like him, but please for our friendship please try to get along" Preston wrapped an arm around me and kissed my cheek" okay I admit it you look adorable together, but how can you forgive him just like that?" I looked up at the ceiling" well it actually took a few weeks before we started dating, we consider ourselves friends, then one day Preston asked me out and I said yes"  they stared at me in disbelief.

Preston's pov

I laid in John's bed waiting for him to enter, luckily his parents weren't home and his brother was at a friends house" babe? You've been quite, did you not want me to tell them?" I looked at him" get they are your friends, and they have a right to know about us being together, but they do make a good point, after all I've done to you, you forgave me and are now dating me, what made you feel like this towards me?" he looked into my eyes" honestly, I didn't see my bully anymore, I saw a kind and loving person, who has a trouble at home, plus I have a thing for badboys like you" I smiled at him and kissed him quickly" and I have a thing for photographers, especially ones with green eyes and fluffy brown hair" he blushed brightly as I laughed" s-shut up" I picked him up and laid him down next to me" I love you John, and I promise to get you a new camera one of these days" he snuggled into my chest and hugged me" good night" we smiled at each other before darkness took over.

Yay more updates!

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