Chapter sixteen

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Marzia pov

It's makes me a little sad that Maya won't have another eye but I'm happy that she's alive. Last night when we arrived home Felix and I played with the pugs for a little bit and then we went to bed. Once again I don't want to go to school and I especially don't want to see Caroline. I really don't like her.

(At school in Marzia's science class)

I see a girl I've never seen the past few days sitting in the back which is my seat. At first I didn't want to bother her and tell her that she sitting in my seat but when I looked at her again she looks like a shy girl. She has brown hair and she has her headphones in and is on her phone. Why does almost everyone my age have cellphones? I walk up to her and tap her shoulder. She looks up.

M-" Uh...hey. You new here?"

Girl-"No but I just switched my classes."

M-"oh." 'Oh man she probably already has friends' " So not to seem rude but do you have any friends?"

Girl-"Actually no but I do know a lot of people. I may be quit but I observe."

A/N this is actually me. I don't have much friends cuz I'm really shy but I know a lot of people cuz I observe lol.

M-" Oh. I'm Marzia by the way."

Girl-"That's a pretty name. Names Diazo."

M-"Thanks. That's a pretty name too."


I see Caroline walk in and I roll my eyes. I turn to Diazo and she happens to roll her eyes too.

M-"I see that we don't like the same girl."

D-"Who Caroline. Trust me I despise her. We used to be good friends back in elementary school."

M-"Well what happened."

D-"Well she hit puberty early and ever since 5th grade she's been dating a lot of boys. She thinks she's way better than anyone else and her mom let her put makeup. She recently broke up with her boyfriend."

M-"Wait she had a boyfriend? It's only the third day of school."

D-" Yeah they lasted two days. She thinks she can get all the boys only because 'she's growing faster'. She's only 13."

M-"Oh I see. Do you know why she broke up with him?"

D-"Yeah. It's cuz she found another boy toy named Felix."



M-"Long story short Felix is my beast friend and I knew there was something to hate about that girl. Why is she like that?"

D-"I don't know but I know she lies. A lot."

M-" Do you happen to know if she had a dog that died?"

D-"Caroline? Dog? HA! Oh please Caroline hates dogs. The last pet she owned was a fish and it lasted for a day."



M-"Hhmm. Hey want to sit with Felix and I at lunch."

D-"Sure I don't see why not."

M-"Cool." Now I that I know who she really is I can warn Felix. Good thing she didn't ask him out.

(At lunch)

M-"Hey Felix there something I have to tell yo-"

F-"Hold that thought. Hey Caroline." He waves at her so she can sit with us.

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