I wake up to the feeling of arms wrapped tightly around me. I look up and see Tyler watching tv. "Baby" I whisper he quickly looks down. "Babygirl are you ok? How was your sleep? How are you feeling?"
I think for a second "too sleepy to answer all those questions" we both chuckle. He looks at me and smiles "we're gonna do some stuff today to take your mind off all the terrible shit youve gone through".
I smile and nod "okay" he gets off the bed,going to his closet and picking out an outfit. "Babygirl we're going shopping to get you some new clothes" I frown "no".
He walks over to me "hush I said yes so its happening" I laugh. "Fiine but I hate you" he giggles "no you don't".
I get up putting my clothes back on, I go into the mirror and look at myself. Youre so ugly what the fuck look at your boobs look at your ass. Tears start rolling down my cheeks.
I remember I haven't told Tyler about me being genderfluid. I cant let him know why I'm crying, he'll think I'm a freak. I get control of myself and walk out of the bathroom.
"You ready babygirl?" I hear Ty yell from the living room. "Um yeah just putting on my shoes" I quickly find my shoes putting them on my feet.
I walk into the living room and see Tyler tying his shoes. He sees me and lights up. Then frowns quickly walking over to me and picking me up. "You were walking" I giggle I had to get dressed". He laughs "okay baby lets make a deal"
I nod my head "I'll stop carrying you if from now on anytime youre sad or mad or even happy you'll tell me so that I can make you feel like a Queen and get you whatever you need".
I laugh "okay deal". We both walk to the car jumping in. He starts backing out the driveway. I reach my hand up turning the radio on.
"Babe where are we going to get my new clothes" I say staring at the steering wheel. He puts his hand on my thigh "the mall of Georgia baby" I groan "but everything is so expensive there". "Hush hush babygirl I dont care anything for my Queen".
I blush and slouch in my seat "fine". He smiles in satisfaction "good" and continues driving.
We reach the mall after about 20 minutes of driving. We both hop out and lock the doors. I run to the other side and take Ty's hand.
He squeezes it and we walk into the mall. He walks straight to Victoria's secret. "Ok babygirl you can have 7 bras and 7 panties now go pick". I hug him tightly "thank you".
I run through the store searching for the perfect bra and panties set. I look around at every set till i find the perfect ones. I bring them to Tyler and he goes straight to the cashier. He pays with cash and we leave the store.
He wouldnt let me see the end total knowing i'd freak. "Where are we going now?" he takes the bags from me. "Queens dont carry luggage" and he just keeps walking ignoring my question.
We walk into a small store "ok baby pick out 7 outfits". I listen to him and look around at all the clothes. There wasn't much but I managed to pick out some cute clothes and shoes.
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Just like at Victoria's secret he paid with cash,and still wouldnt let me see the end total. I groaned "please let me see" he just chuckled "no".
"Now that we've got you some actual clothes lets get home get changed and have some fun" I eyed him "what do you mean fun?" "youll see soon enough babygirl".
We leave the mall and head home. I look at all the new stuff I got today. He reaches his hand over and places it on my thigh. ×× Once we get to his house I run inside and put on the pink skirt along with the shirt that says "fuck you" and throw on some thigh highs and boots.
I walk out to Tyler "you're so hot babygirl" I blush "thanks babe". "Alright now lets go ok?" Ty says turning on his heels and walking to the door. I walk with him and he holds the door open for me.
"Thanks" I say smiling and looking down. I hear Tyler chuckle no problem you are my queen after all.
We walk to the car and he again opens the door for me. I get in and sit in the passenger seat. "So where are we going?" I say a smile playing at my lips.
"Youll see babygirl."
I smile to myself I'm not sure how I should feel. Excited or scared or maybe everything at once. I know Tyler wouldn't take me anywhere where I would get hurt. So I completely trust him.
Stupid stupid you cant trust anyone are you crazy? He's just using your whore ass and you know it you dumb bitch.
I shake my head trying to get the thoughts out of my head but it doesnt work. I decide to just listen to the radio and try to focus on the music.
The chainsmokers are on so I start singing along. I can feel Ty staring at me I quickly stop singing "i know i suck" I say blushing
"You really do, but in a cute way" I laugh "how do I suck at singing "in a cute way"? I see him shake his head "hush my love".
I cross my arms and look out the window, "Its already starting to get dark,wow" I say to myself.We start to pull into a neighborhood I'm not familiar with.
Ty pulls into the driveway and turns the car off "you ready?". I nod my head and wait for him to come open my door.
When he opens it he grabs my waist and helps me down. "You look so cute baby" I smile "thanks so do you". We both laugh.
He keeps his hand at the small of my back and we both walk up to the door. He doesn't even mine knocking and just walks in. "Holy shit this house is huge" I think to myself.
It looks empty but the sound of music and people says it's not. He takes me down the the basement where most the sound is coming from. I immediately smell weed and alcohol.
"Fuck yeah"
We walk down the stairs I watch my feet making sure I don't trip. Knowing how clumsy I am I know i'd trip. We reach the bottom and Ty walks over to the drink table.
I stay close behind him, he hands me a red plastic cup "chug this" he orders. I smile at him and down the drink. It tasted like fire ball whiskey. "Oh how I love that shit".
We both stand there for a few minutes drinking. Trying to catch up to everyone else. After a few shots I become more energetic and happy.
Ty grab my hand and walks us over to a group of people. They all look either really drunk or high as fuck.
"Sky meet my group of friends" ______________________________________
*1228 words*
Whoo party I hope you guys like this chapter??
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I really dont know whats gonna happen next, ive got some really bad writers block. So please give me some suggestions??