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Sky's p.o.v

I wake up drenched in sweat I look around and see im in a white brick room with a wrist band on my hand

I walk over to the strange metal door and reach for the door knob I twist and it opens i walk out and im in a hall filled with people

I find someone with a badge "excuse me ma'am where am i?"

The woman smiles at me "Mrs.June you're in st.Dougherty's mental institution Youve in the Same place for about 5 years why whats wrong?"

I stare at her "what about Mikey? And luke?ty?sam?stella?wes?jonathan?caroline?harry?"

"Your little friend group is over there but ms.june youve been here since your friend caroline died you went threw a little break down" she says still smiling

I just stare at her i walk away without saying another word and walk over to my "group of friends"

Five boys and two girls all in white clothing sit at a table i look at all them and they're exactly the same

"Guys?" They all look at me and grin "oh hey sky" mikey says i stare at him "are you mad at me?" He chuckles "for what silly?" I frown "i cheated on you with an uber driver??" Mikey chuckles "we've never dated and howd you order an uber?"

I look at ty and sam "you guys were going to have a baby? Dont you remember?" They just stare at me like im crazy

I shake my head and walk back to the room i came from before i sit on the floor and look around i lift up my mattress and find a few journals

I pick them up and look threw all my memories were written down in hundreds of pages thousands of words

I look back and try to remember everything suddenly it all comes into view i remember sitting on this little bed writing

I made up a world where i thought i would be happy what happened? Why did i wake up? Was it because i thought i died?

I put my hands on my face and start crying "am i crazy?"

I try to place everything together but i cant why would i do this? Have i just been in a haze? Am i ok now? Or am i still crazy?

I walk out and find a desk "excuse me can i call someone?" The man smiles "of course phones are over there" i smile and walk to the booths

I dial Jonathans number "hello?" I smile "jonathan its me its sky" i hear him laugh "heyy i havent heard from you in a while hows the looney bin?" I chuckle "its good i think in ready to leave though im almost twenty so i think i can leave come pick me up?"

I hear him chuckle "of course be there in about an hour" i smile "ok no drugs or alcohol though" i hear jonathan laugh "girl no i got a husband and three kids ive never done drugs"

I smile "okay john see you when you get here"
*524 words*

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