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I stare at his small group of friends friends. Ty lightly nudges me "oh right sorry" I bite my lip nervously. "Im sky" one of the guys stand up "Im wes". He reaches for my hand and brings it to his lips kissing the top.

Tyler glares at him but Wes just chuckles and sits back down. A blonde headed guy scoffs at Wes. "Sorry 'bout him,my name is harry" I smile and nod "hello harry".

Wow harry is so attractive.

I look beside harry and see a boy about a year younger than me. Harry nudges the brown headed boy. He looks up at me "sorry um im micheal".
I smile and wave suddenly he gets up and hugs me. I look at Ty and he just shrugs sitting next to Harry.

Micheal soon lets go and sits down, patting a seat next to him. I sit and Ty moves to where he's beside me. Putting me in the middle of both him and micheal.

Micheal starts talking to me about soem random movie. When I see someone out of the corner of my eye walk down the stairs. I turn and look at the new comer. He's tall as fuck and has blondish brownish hair. Hes also attractive as fuck.

Tyler notices my interest in the guy currently walking towards us and puts his arm around my waist. "Hey Luke" he says sounding kind of upset.

The boy named Luke smiles "Hey Tyler whose this pretty thing?". I blush as he stares at me "This "pretty thing" is my girlfriend her name is sky" Tyler says sounding annoyed.

Luke just brushes it off. "Hello Skyle Im luke nice to meet you" he reaches out to shake my hand. I take it and his big hand engulfs mine. We stand there shaking hands until Ty clears his throat. "Alright so what do you guys wanna do?"

Everyone shrugs, I feel someone tap my shoulder I look to see Micheal handing me a pipe. "You smoke?" he asks me. I giggle "duhh" and take the pipe taking a long hit.

I pass it to Tyler and he does the same.
"Hey guys" I say, suddenly everyone turns toward me. "Yes babygirl?" Ty says. "Lets leave this party and go somewhere" everyone agrees.

I giggle "lets go skinny dipping". Everyone's eyes widen and Tyler just chuckles "lets go then, everyone in my car lets go".

We all pile in the car, Tyler driving and me in the passenger seat. Micheal,luke, harry and Wes in the back seat.

Ty pulls into the entrance to a lake, parking in a parking space. I wait for him to open my door, but to my surprise Luke makes it before him.

Luke helps me out by my hand "thanks" I mutter. I see Tylers face and he looks beyond pissed. I giggle at his jealousy.

Ty quickly walks to me picking me up bridal style "lets go baby" and he kisses my forehead. His eyes not leaving lukes.

Once we reach sand Ty lets me down and I begin to strip.

I dont notice everyone looking at me till I'm almost in the water. "What? Have you guys not seen a girl naked before?". They all quickly turn away. I run into the water and dive in. I start swimming when I feel someone grab my leg and pull me back.

I scream,and they pull me closer to them and pull me to their chest. I dont want to look fearing the worst. When I hear a familiar voice trying to calm me. I look up to see Luke "Im sorry I scared you" he says trying to hold back a laugh. I giggle "its alright, um what did you need?".

"I don't know I just wanted to chill I guess" I smile "okay what do you wanna do?". He smirks and looks down at my breasts "red flag but also green flag ugh" I say to myself.

He starts to lean down towards my left boob when I jump up frantically. "Actually I'm gonna go find Tyler" Luke frowns but nods.

I swim off looking for Ty, after a few minutes of swimming around. I see him splashing Michael. I try to stand up and walk to him. But realize I'm in a deeper part than I expected.

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