Calm Taeng can be Scary Taeng

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Few days later at school

Taeyeon sat at his place and read his notes when Yoong ran to him like he's just chased by mad dog.

"Hyungnim" Young said between his breaths. He tried to catch some air

"Yah Yoong, what happen? Are you being chased by mad dog?" Taeyeon startled and joking as usual

"Yul hyung" Yoong can't continue his words because too exhausted

"What happen to Yul?" Taeyeon curious and other four girls start to pay attention to the older and younger boy conversation

"Yul hyung got into fighting" Yoong said as his breaths stable again. Taeyeon, Hyoyeon and Sunny's eyes widened as they heard what their maknae said

"What?!" They said in unison "Who is he fights with? Where is him and where is Soo?"

"Yes hyung, noona. He fight with Yunho at basketball court and Soo hyung tried to stop them. We need you there hyung." Without answer, Taeyeon rushed out from the class followed by Yoong and the four girls

The crowd at basketball court can be heard from a far. Taeyeon stop behind the crowd and the others stop behind him.

"KWON YUL!!" he roared. The crowd became silent instantly when they heard the familiar voice. They make a way for Taeyeon and the others to approach the centre.

Yul stunned at his place while Sooyoung hugging him from behind still stopping him. Taeyeon saw little bruised at Yul face and red liquid at his lips corner and the same things at Yunho face.

"What happen here Yul, Yunho?" He crossed his arm and stare at Yul and Yunho alternately

"He's the one who started it Taeng. I told him it was just misunderstood but he punched me in first place" Yul said

"What is misunderstood, bitch? He's the one who flirt around with my girlfriend, Taeyeon and now he blamed me" Yunho fired back

"Calm down Yunho. Let me settle it personally with him and I'll teach him a lesson if he's really wrong" Taeyeon gave assurance looked at Yunho and tried to calm that boy

"Huh, it not that easy Kim Taeyeon and don't involve yourself here" Yunho smirked. He tried again to approach Yul who's still hugged by Sooyoung. Luckily Taeyeon is quick and he strangled Yunho's neck. His eyes suddenly wide with anger, Yoong, Hyoyeon and Sunny prepare themselves on whatever will happen later if Yunho still stubborn.


"Ok ok. Let me go" Yunho surrender and Taeyeon let the stubborn boy go.

"It's not over yet Kim Taeyeon" Yunho whispered and walk away. Taeyeon balled his fist and gritted his teeth.

Then Taeyeon turn to Yul. Yul low his head.

"Soo, Yoong bring him to garden" he commands with no expression "Sunny, Fany go to infirmary and get first-aid-kit" Sunny and Tiffany nodded and walk to infirmary "Hyo, Sica go to canteen and buy some cool drinks" he said and gave money to the girls

They sat at the round table at the garden. Sunny and Tiffany treat the bruised at Yul face while two other boys sat silently beside them. Hyoyeon and Jessica just came back from the canteen with cans of drinks for them. Taeyeon lean his back at the seat while rubbed his temple and shut his eyes. They're silent for around 10 minutes.

After felt calm a bit, Taeyeon sat straight and stare at Yul. Yul low his head.

"Yul, talk" He command Yul to tell everything about the fight

"A-actually he's just misunderstood, I talked with her girlfriend because Mrs. Yoon asked me to pass his message to her about their class. Suddenly Yunho came and said that I'm flirt with his girl. Then he dragged me to basketball court. Luckily Soo and Yoong saw him dragging me and Soo follow us. Soo came on time to stop me if not that Yunho might be end up in ambulance" Yul said and gritted his teeth.

Taeyeon sighed "Hm, ok" he answered shortly

"You trust me, right Taeng?"

"Yes I trust you but all of you must be careful with that Yunho especially you girls" He said

"Is he want to do something wrong?" Jessica asked

"Yes Sica. He leaved a hateful message to me said that it not over yet. So better be careful" Taeyeon explained and other nodded

Later that night

Taeyeon do his homework while texting with someone

'Hey Taengoo' – Princess

'Hey princess' – Taengoo

'What are you doin'?' – Princess

'I still with my homework and my brain stuck now' – Taengoo

'Poor Taengoo, did you have your dinner?' – Princess

'Yes I did, Fany send dinner that her mom packed for me' – Taengoo

'Did you close to her family?' – Princess

'We're getting close I thought. They're just like my second family here. Why?' – Taengoo

'Nothing just wonder why her mom always packed food for you and you two looked close' – Princess

'I met with her family when I drive her home because she injured when she's jogged. So we end up breakfast together, I said I love her mom's cook and I rarely ate food cooked by my mom since they always trip somewhere that's why her mom always packed food for me. There's nothing between me and Fany. She's just like my little sister' – Taengoo

'Oh really, okay. Hehe"- Princess

'Are you jealous my princess?' – Taengoo

'No. I'm not' – Princess

'Really?' Taengoo

'Yes >.<' – Princess

'Ok my princess. I'd done with my homework and I wanna sleep now I'm too tired. See you tomorrow' – Taengoo

'Have a good rest. Goodnight Taengoo. Sweetdream' – Princess

'Goodnight princess. Sweet dream and dream on me. Flying kiss for you' – Taengoo

'Kiss for you to my Taengoo' – Princess

Taeyeon smiled like an idiot as their text end and he think he miss that girl. He cleared all his belongings and put inside his bag. Then he goes to his bed.

Meanwhile on Jessica side, she jumped in joy as their conversation end because of that boy cheesy text. She knew it was a good start for them. After clear with her homework she goes to sleep with wide smile and hope to meet with his future boy in her dream.

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