My hubby

877 22 1

Few weeks later

Many students gather at the bulletin board to read new advertisement about their school's upcoming event. Sooyoung walk leisurely back from canteen and he saw the crowd in front of the board. He walked towards the board and read the advertisement, without feeling embarrassed he pulled out the paper from the board and run away. He took it to the school garden where his friends gather while the other students cursing him.

"Hyung, why are you run like that? Did you chase by your fan girls again?" Yoong teasing Sooyoung while Sooyoung panting heavily

"T-this" Sooyoung said under his breaths. He gave the paper to his friends.

"SCHS Fashion and Couple Night" TG6 said in unison. Their eyes sparkle after they read the line

"Yes buddies, the event that I always waiting for" Sooyoung grin ear to ear

"You should look for great stylist and designer again dude" Yul said

"Yes Yul and the advertisement said there are special event too at that night" Sooyoung added

"What event?" Taeyeon asked

"According to this detail, everyone invited to bid for the dinner package at famous and expensive restaurant at Seoul. The highest bid will win the package. The package dinner for 10 persons" Sooyoung explained excitedly

"Want to join the bid guys?" Taeyeon said and wriggle his brows

"Of course hyung, we really want to eat at that restaurant" Yoong and Sooyoung pump their fist excitedly. Their friends giggle on two shikshin antics

"You two should try to win the bid then" Hyoyeon said

"I'll make sure I'll win the bid since Soo hyung will join the fashion show" Yoong the junior shikshin determined to win

"Alright little man, I count on you" Sooyoung ruffled Yoong hair

"Buddies, what about the couple?" Yul rubbed his chin

"I can't join you guys since Ms. Eun said I'll duty as the MC on that night" Sunny said

"It's ok Sunny, we already go together last year" Sooyoung wink at Sunny and Sunny smile shyly

"Tae, who'll be your couple this year" Sunny asked Taeyeon

Taeyeon start thinking and he turned his head to Jessica "Want to be my couple for that night?" He ask

Jessica who're busy zoning out, back to the real world when she heard someone asking her "W-what?" she stutters

"Want to be my couple for Fashion and Couple night?" Taeyeon ask again and chuckled at confuse girl in front of him

"Yes sure" Jessica said and Taeyeon grin like a dork

"Dude, I'll go with Sica" He smiled like an idiot at his brothers and everyone giggles

"Fany, want to go with me?" Yul ask the bubbly girl

"Sure I want" Tiffany said cheerfully and her eyes turn to little crescent

"I'll go with Fany dude" Yul said happily

"Hyung, I'll go with my Soojung" Yoong stated and his brothers give thumbs up to him

"Then I'll go with Hyo" Sooyoung said and high five with Hyoyeon

"Ok, settle with the couple" Sunny said

"Guys, I have to go now. I need to take care of some business" Taeyeon said

"What business baby boy?" Hyoyeon teasing him

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