Visiting Taeyeon oppa

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Two months later

Beijing Capital International Airport

Yoong and Krystal just landed at the airport to visit Taeyeon. They decide to go there since they have semester break. They're waiting for Taeyeon to fetch them.

"Oppa, he not arrived yet?" Soojung asked and took a seat beside Yoong

"He'll will here in few minutes" Yoong said

Few minutes later, Yoong saw Taeyeon come towards them follow by Seohyun with Kim Won in her arms.

"There he is" Yoong said to Krystal

"That is his wife and son?" Krystal pointed at Seohyun and Kim Won with her mouth

"Yes babe" Yoong smile

"She looked gorgeous. Oppa have a good taste" Krystal whispers and they chuckled

"Yoong" Taeyeon waved and jogged towards them

"Hyung!" Yoong hugged Taeyeon

"Sorry for make you two wait so long. Won throw his tantrum that why we go a bit late" Taeyeon said and smile

"It's ok hyung, we understand" Yoong said

"Krystal, how are you?" Taeyeon extend his hand to shake with Krystal and she accept it

"I'm fine oppa, as always. How are you now? You look really healthy I saw" Krystal giggle

"I'm fine Krys, as you can see" he laughed "Krys, this is Seohyun, my couple and Kim Won, my little prince" Taeyeon wrapped his arm around Seohyun waist

"She's same age as me" Yoong added

"Hi unnie, I'm Krystal. Yoong's girlfriend and Taeyeon oppa friend" Krystal bowed politely

"Hi too Krystal, nice to meet you" Seohyun bow her head

"So, let go to hyung house." Taeyeon said

"But hyung, we planned to stay at hotel" Yoong said

"Yes oppa, we don't want to trouble you and unnie" Krystal added

"No, you two will stay at hyung house until you go back. Beside both of us also have a holiday now so nothing will get into troubles" Taeyeon assure

"It is boring stay there just three of us, so it's better if you two can spend your holiday with us" Seohyun smile

"If that so, we'll stay with you then" Yoong said

"Thank you unnie, oppa" Krystal said

"It's not a big deal. Let go home before this boy roared again. He's not in a good mood today" Taeyeon laugh and they make their way to Taeyeon's car

Next day

Seohyun preparing their breakfast at the kitchen when Krystal came to joined her after take her shower.

"Good morning unnie" Krystal said and sat at the stool at the counter

"Morning Krys, you wake up already" Seohyun smile

"Yes unnie, I'm took shower already" Krystal paused "Where is Yoong and Tae oppa?" she looking around as she doesn't see them since she come downstairs

"They go out for jog at the park nearby. Taeyeon oppa doesn't want to wake you up because he thought that you need more rest" Seohyun said

"Ok besides I'm not used for morning exercise" they chuckled

"I also rarely go for exercise since I had Won. Hard to leave him even for an hour but oppa always force me to go for workouts for sake of my health he said." Seohyun giggles

"Talking about Won, he still sleeping?"

"He woke up early but he slept again after breastfeeding. Moreover he stayed until dawn and luckily Taeyeon oppa stay awake to play with him until he slept"

"Yoong oppa said he entertained by Won antics"

"Yes, Yoong used to play a lot with him when he stayed here before and Won looked comfortable with him. Usually he doesn't easily close to stranger. You can see it yesterday" Seohyun said

"Yoong also good with kids, he said he love kids" Krystal chuckled

"Maybe he learn to be a father" Seohyun said and they laughed

"Unnie, you're still study?"

"Yes, why?"

"Nothing, so you study from home? I mean who will take care of Won if you and oppa go study" Krystal asked

"Actually we hire a baby-sitter. Since both of us are holiday now so we gave her a leave until our holiday end. Now she went back to Korea"

"Oh I see" Krystal nodded "Unnie, anything I can help you?" she asked

"I already finished cooking, so just prepare out plates, cup and spoon on the table. Then just wait for them to come back" Seohyun said and Krystal proceed with her task

30 minutes later, Yoong and Taeyeon come back from their jog

"Baby, we're back" Taeyeon yell and put his shoes on the rack

"Oppa, I'm here" Seohyun answered from living room. She and Krystal watched TV at living room while waiting for them.

Taeyeon come to the living room followed by Yoong. Shameless Taeyeon stand behind the couch and leaned forward to peck Seohyun lips but unfortunately Seohyun stopped him with her hands. Taeyeon end up kissing Seohyun palm.

"Why?" he asked and pouting

"They're watching" Seohyun pointed at Yoong and Krystal who're looking at them with smirk. Yoong covered his mouth to avoid from burst his laugh out

"Aishh" he whined

"You got enough this morning so no for now. Besides, you better take shower now. You're sweaty oppa" Seohyun giggles at old kid in front of her

"Ok, ok" Taeyeon sighed in defeat

"Alright, I already prepare your clothes on the bed" Seohyun said as Taeyeon make his way to their room

"Ok baby"

"Aigoo, pity hyung" Yoong laughed

"He always liked that Yoong. Sometimes acted like a kids but he never admit it" Seohyun chuckled

"It was hyung nature since before. He acted like a kid even he's older than us" Yoong said and they laugh

"You also go take shower Yoongie, you're stink" Krystal covered her nose and shoos Yoong playfully

"Aigoo, she not loved me anymore" Yoong fake sobs and ran to his assigned room.

Later, Yoong and Taeyeon end with their shower and they have breakfast together.

After finish their breakfast, Krystal helped Seohyun to wash dishes while Yoong and Taeyeon at the living room, chitchatting. Seohyun at their bedroom with Kim Won who already wake up. After she finished preparing the boy, they join the others at the living room.

"Oppa, can you take care of Won for a while?" Seohyun asked

"Why? You want to go somewhere?" Taeyeon tilted his head. Yoong and Krystal was playing with Kim Won of the carpeted floor

"Yes, I want to go for groceries and I want to take Krystal along with me" Seohyun grin

"Ok, oppa and Yoong will take care of him while you go but don't take too long. You know I'm not good at handling his tantrum" Taeyeon smiled at the little boy who giggling happily playing with his uncle

"Alright, I already prepare his milk and diapers at our room"


"We'll go now oppa" then Seohyun go to her son and kissing him "Mama, go out with aunty for a while so you stay here with papa and uncle, alright?" she smiled and kissing Won again. Kim Won answered his mom with his baby language.

Later, Seohyun drive them to nearby supermarket.

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