Kim Won?

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Taeyeon sat alone at the food court and sips his drink. Suddenly he greeted by his friends

"Hey dude" Sooyoung smile at him. Sooyoung come along with their other members

"Hey dude, what are you all doing here?" Taeyeon asked

"Last time we checked we come here to eat" Yul said teasingly and they laughed

"Come join me guys" Taeyeon said and all of them join Taeyeon

"Oppa, you come alone?" Krystal asked

"I come with ..." Taeyeon haven't finished his words when 4 years old little boy run towards him, it was Kim Won.

"Papa!!" Kim Won ran to Taeyeon and rested his chin on Taeyeon laps

"My prince, what happen? Why you look sad?" Taeyeon cooed and stroke Kim Won hair.

"Mama doesn't want to buy ice cream for me" Kim Won pouting and Taeyeon grins

"It still early to eat ice cream Kim Won" Seohyun come from behind. She took a seat beside Taeyeon. Taeyeon scooped Kim Won to seat on his laps. He peppered the sulking boy with kisses. He didn't realize that his friends staring at them with questioning look except Krystal and Yoong who are watching them with amused.

"Later papa buy your ice cream ok, for now you need to eat first" Taeyeon assure and frown on Kim Won lips faded replace by his cute smile

"Ok papa, I love you!!" Kim Won showered Taeyeon face with his kisses

"I love you too" Taeyeon said and they giggled

"Papa who are they?" Kim Won pointed at the strangers that join them at their table

"They're papa friends" he said and Kim Won nodded

"Dude, I think you need to explain everything" Sooyoung said

"Ok dude. I'm sorry for not mention about him before. This is my son. He's 4 years old now" Taeyeon said and the other nodded. They didn't need deep explanation about that boy and they trust that Kim Won was Taeyeon and Seohyun child because he looks a bit like Taeyeon and more like Seohyun

"Won-ah, greet your uncles and aunties" Taeyaon said to the little boy who sat on his laps

"Hi uncles aunties, my name is Kim Sowon but papa and mama call me Kim Won" Kim Won bowed politely and his uncles and aunties proud at his well manner.

"Hi too Kim Won" they greet him back.

"Won, this is aunty Tiffany, uncle Yul, uncle Sooyoung, aunty Sunny, aunty Hyoyeon, aunty Jessica, aunty Krystal and uncle Yoong" Taeyeon pointed at his friends one by one and Kim Won nodded "You remembered uncle Yoong and aunty Krystal?" Kim Won thought few seconds and he shook his head

"Remember the uncle that you bite his finger last year?" Seohyun asked and Kim Won nodded "That is him, uncle Yoong" Seohyun said and Yoong waving at Kim Won playfully. The other laughed lightly on their story

"Say sorry to your uncle" Taeyeon said

"Sorry uncle" Kim Won bow

"Uncle will forgive you with one condition" Yoong said jokingly

"What is it uncle?"

"Ask your papa to treat me dinner" Yoong said and Kim Won turn his head to Taeyeon for opinion but Taeyeon pretend to look at other direction

"Papa" Kim Won cupped Taeyeon face

"What baby?"

"Uncle wanted you to treat him dinner"

"Ask mama" Taeyeon pointed at Seohyun who sat beside him

"Mama, is it ok if we treat uncle Yoong dinner?" he asked

"It is ok dear" Seohyun said and Kim Won grin

"Uncle, mama say papa will treat you dinner" Kim Won said happily and they laugh on his antics

"Ok Kim Won" Yoong make V sign to Kim Won. Later, the waiters come to get their orders

"Papa, that aunty looked beautiful" Kim Won whispers but still can be heard by the others

"Which aunty?" Taeyeon asked surprisingly and Kim Won pointed at Jessica

Taeyeon turned his head to Jessica "Sica, Kim Won said you're pretty" Jessica blushed

"Thank you Kim Won" Jessica said and giggles while Kim Won nodded happily

"Papa, I think I like her" Kim Won stated and the other shocked and chuckled

"You kidding me Won?" Taeyeon said with wide eyes

"I'm serious papa" Kim Won whined

"Ok, ok" Taeyeon laughed

"Papa, I need to take care of some business"

"Go with mama" Taeyeon said

"No, mama will take me to girl's toilet" Kim Won whined

"Isn't that you like?" Taeyeon said teasingly while Seohyun face palmed herself. The other chuckled at the little family antics

"No, I don't want" Kim Won shook his head

"Just go with him oppa or he'll do his business here" Seohyun pushed Taeyeon to go "Bring this too" she handed the hand sanitizer to Taeyeon "Won, don't forget to wash your hand. You always forget to do it" Seohyun remind

"Papa also always forgot to do it mama but he didn't tell you" Kim Won said and they quickly go to toilet. The other laughed heartily

"Kim Won is so funny" Tiffany comments

"I thought he have Taeyeon bad attitude" Hyoyeon said

"Yes unnie, Won used to copy almost all of oppa attitude including his pervert attitude. Oppa said he saw Won smile pervertly at the baby girl beside his bed when oppa come to get him before we check out from hospital" they laughed on what Seohyun told them

Hyoyeon remembered something "Woah, he totally copy Taeyeon attitude. Taeyeon dad also told the same story when Taeyeon was born" she said

"Last year three of us go for vacation to other country, when we go to the park, Kim Won keep looking at the girls at the swimming pool. Oppa didn't stop him but he support him"

"Aigoo that man, didn't give a good example" Sooyoung said in amused

"Won is the reason why oppa smile a lot and slowly forget his painful past. Since Won born, he showered him with his love and he's the one who give a name to Kim Won. He even didn't allow me to do everything in our house when I'm still in weak condition. He took care of both of us. He became more mature and fatherly. I didn't expect he'll change immediately but it was he did" Seohyun said

"He's really responsible person and fatherly" Yul said

"Thanks to you and Won for coming to his life when he's down" Sunny added

Few minutes later, Kim Won and Taeyeon joined them back and their food arrived.

"Papa, feed me" Kim Won whined

"Don't want to eat by yourself?"

"No, I don't want" Kim Won play with his food

"Don't play with your food Kim Won" Seohyun said

"But papa don't want to feed me" he pouted

"Want mama to feed you?"

"No, I want papa"

"Papa doesn't want" Taeyeon said still enjoy his food

"Feed him oppa or he'll throw his tantrum to you until next year" Seohyun said and Taeyeon sighed in defeat. He started to feed Kim Won and the boy ate happily. The other giggles on their acts.

After that day, they always visit Taeyeon and his family. They buy toys and foods for Kim Won when then pay a visit. Kim Won spoiled by his aunty and uncle too much

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