Don't say no

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1 month later

Taeyeon invite his friends to come to his family mansion because he wanted to announce something. His parents wondered what their son wanted to say. Seohyun also don't know what he planned for. They gather at the living room and waiting for Taeyeon and Kim Won to come from their room.

"Seohyun, what he wanted to talk about?" Mrs. Kim asked

"I don't know mom, oppa don't tell me anything. He just say that he want to announce something important to us" Seohyun answered

Few minutes later, Taeyeon and Kim Won come to living room. They sat at the couch, same row with Seohyun.

"Tae, what do you want to talk about?" Mr. Kim wondered

Taeyeon adjust his seat and smiled "The reason why I call you all here because I want to tell that now I'm thinking about to step to the next stage of life" Taeyeon paused and he took a deep breath. He looked at his parents curious face "I want to tie knot with Seohyun" he stated and everyone surprised

"Wait, wait, wait, come again oppa" Seohyun said in shocked tone

"I want to marry you"

Seohyun looked at her 'team' face and they also showed shocked expression.

"I can't marry you oppa, we can't be together" Seohyun said. She doesn't want to reject directly. Taeyeon expression changed.

"But why? Don't you love me?" Taeyeon asked in disbelief

"Yes, I love you but we can't be together. I'm not the one who should be your wife" Seohyun shook her head

"Then who? Tell me who was the woman that can love me more than you?" Taeyeon grabbed Seohyun arm

"Jessica unnie, she's the one who suits you so much" Seohyun said. Taeyeon, Jessica and Taeyeon parents shocked again. Jessica mouth slacked open.

"What are you talking about?" Taeyeon asked coldly

"I said the one who will marry you is Jessica unnie. We all knew that both of you still love each other but you keep denied it. You're ego oppa. I'm the one who struggle for your happiness, but you take it easy. I know you love me and so do I but your heart not completely for me. Deep inside your heart, you still love her more than me" Seohyun said in seriousness

"You didn't remember what she had done to me before? Why did you keep pushing me to her?"

"Why should you keep bringing your past? People can change oppa and everyone deserved to have second chance. You should give second chance to unnie to fix everything" Seohyun try to convince Taeyeon

"Seohyun please" Taeyeon plead

"Don't say no oppa I knew you want it but your ego prevent you to show it. You can lie to the others but not to me, you're not good enough to hide your feeling from me. Unnie can love you more than me and she can take care of you. Remember what I always told you, even if the whole world ditch you, I always be there for you. You know where to find me. But for now, all I want is you back to unnie, she's your happiness and your life. Even if you marry her, you always be Kim Won papa. Nothing can change it. Don't worry about it, I'll not separate him from you" Seohyun squeezed Taeyeon shoulder with hope that guy will understand. But Taeyeon still hard-headed, he stood up and stomped his feet out of the house. He drove his car.

"Taeyeon!!!" Mr. Kim yelled but it was useless

"Seohyun, shall we go after him?" Yul asked

"No, don't go" Seohyun said

"But why? What if anything happen to him?" Mrs. Kim said worriedly

"Sica unnie is the one who should go after him, not us. If one of us go, that mean he still have supporters and his ego will be thick"

"But why me Seohyun?" Jessica asked hesitantly

"Unnie, as I said to oppa earlier, both of you still share the same feel. That why I want you to go after him. Tell him that everything is ok. He need you now, he really need you. Shower him with your love as you did before. He want you unnie but he keep saying no because he don't want to hurt me and Kim Won. I'll be more hurt if he sad. For sake of happiness, please go after him. He's yours" Seohyun rubbed Jessica back

"What if he doesn't want? We already make our closure"

"His lips were saying it closed but his heart cried inside. We all know he's good at keeping his feeling but not to me. I knew he is sad after both of you met few weeks ago. Take care of him unnie. Don't repeat the same mistake. He's too fragile now, not strong as before. He easily got hurt, sensitive and sometimes his emotion can swing. You're his happiness" Seohyun paused. Jessica looked at her with disbelief

"But one thing that I wish from you unnie"

"What is it?"

"Take care of him as you care of yourself. Love him with all of your heart. Don't leave him even how hard the situation is. He needed your hand to hold him. Sometimes he can be really strong and sometimes he can be weak. Don't ever hurt him as before. If he comes to me because of the same mistake as before, I'll not give him back to you again unnie. Remember it unnie. Do the best for you and him"

"Ok, thanks very much Seohyun" Jessica said in tears

"Now go after him. You know where he goes. You and oppa still have strong bond" Seohyun smiled reassurance and Jessica nodded. Jessica grabbed her purse and go after her long lost lover.

"Everything was too good to be true" Mrs. Kim said in awe

"I don't expect you'll do this thing Seohyun" Mr. Kim added

"I'm sorry for rejecting him dad but I do this for his happiness. He still love unnie and he deserved unnie" Seohyun smiled

"We knew sweetie, thank you for took care of him in everything" Mrs. Kim said

"My pleasure mom" Seohyun turned her head to his unnies and oppa and she winked at them. They gave thumbs up to Seohyun.

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