Taeyeon and his ego

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Taeyeon entered his bedroom and he saw Seohyun sat at the edge of bed and dreaming. She doesn't notice Taeyeon presence. Taeyeon took slow step and seat beside Seohyun and rest his chin on Seohyun shoulder.

"Baby, what are you dream for?"

"I thinking about something" Seohyun sighed

"Care to share it with me?"

"Oppa, when do you want to reveal about Kim Won to oppa and unnie?"

Taeyeon straighten his seat "I don't know" he shrugged his shoulder

"Until when do we should keep it secret?" Seohyun looked at Taeyeon side profile

"I don't want them to know" Taeyeon said

"But why?" Seohyun furrowed her eyebrows

"I don't want them to misunderstand to you and Won"

"That not the reason oppa. I know unnie and oppa will understand our situation" Seohyun fidgeting her fingers

"Still I don't want them to know"

"Oppa, sooner or later, they'll know too. So it not wrong if we tell them before they figure out by themselves and we can explain why it happen" Seohyun convinced

"Seohyun please, why do you keep asking me to do the thing that is hard for me?" Taeyeon said in puzzled

"Oppa, what is hard with that? If you don't want to explain by yourself, I'll do it. Nothing is hard for that. We just reveal Kim Won true identity. Once Won grow up, we also need to tell him everything and it'll be hard more than this" Seohyun said calmly. She don't want to put it into argument

"Seohyun, it'll make me feel like I'm distant from you" Taeyeon tensed

"Oppa, I'm not asking you to leave me. I just ask you to tell the truth. I don't want you to keep any secret from your dongsaengs. Why you can't understand it?" Seohyun sighed. She massaged her temple

"SEOHYUN!!!" Taeyeon shouted

"What? You want to scold me for asking you to tell the truth? You want to hit me?" Seohyun almost reached her limit

"Just do whatever you want" Taeyeon said and stomped his feet from their room. He grabbed car key and slammed the door. Seohyun run out from the room and following him. Everyone shocked when they saw the couple come from upstairs with tensed face.

Taeyeon walked fast passed the living room without care about questioning look from his members. He bumped into Sooyoung shoulder when he passed through kitchen doorway and straight to front door. Then he heard Seohyun roared from hallway


"Don't you dare to go out from this house or I'll disappear from your life forever" Seohyun said in high volume. Tiffany and Sunny quickly run out from their bedroom and go to living room when they heard the chaos. Then Hyoyeon motioned Krystal to bring Kim Won to the garden so he'll not see the scene. They can't help but just look at the bickering couple with worry face

"Taeyeon, what happen to you lately? Why is it hard for me to discuss something with you? Where did the open-minded Kim Taeyeon that I see for 7 years? Did he disappear now? I already told you to do everything professionally but what you do now? You want me to take you to psychiatrist again?" Seohyun said in clear voice without stutters a bit. She's really disappointed that time.

"Oppa, I just want everything clear for everyone. Why did you take it hard? If it hard for you, it'll hard for me too. I always told you that if anything happen, I always there for you. I never leave you alone. Why that small thing can make you scare like this? We together for 7 years and still you don't believe me? You never angry at me before and you never raised your voice to me but you did it twice now. After this, I think you'll raise your hand to me. If you still be like this, I think it better for me to continue my life at Beijing. Nothing will hurt me there" Seohyun said and sighed. Taeyeon still doesn't move from his ground but little did Seohyun know, Taeyeon silently cried because of her words.

Then Seohyun walk towards Taeyeon and hug him from behind "Oppa please, don't stick with your ego. I knew everything hard for you because of your past. I don't want presence of me and Won will make everything hard for you to go after your dreamed future. You see, this is 2nd times oppa and unnie saw us like this. You knew how shame I am? They took care of Won when we're bickering. What if Won understand everything, do you dare to see him hurt because us?" Seohyun said in low tone

"I'm sorry" Taeyeon said weakly

"Let go to our room and discuss everything ok" Seohyun said and Taeyeon nodded. She doesn't cry at all. She said to herself that she need to be strong for Taeyeon even it is hard for her. Crying that mean she can't stand for Taeyeon. She knew Taeyeon really fragile and sometime can't thinking straight if he face problem. He really changed after everything happened.

Seohyun dragged Taeyeon back to their bedroom and just walk passing by everyone at the living room. Unbeknownst by Taeseo, everyone is really worried about them but they don't dare to interrupt. They know there is something happen between the couple that make them not in a good state that few days. They also impressed on how cool Seohyun is in handling Taeyeon in that state.

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