Chapter 3: Raindrops

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Magnus spent hours getting ready to see Alec. He convinced himself he should see Alec.

    He tried to find the perfect thing to wear. Finally he decided to wear black dress pants, a black coat, and a black scarf.

    He took an umbrella as he heard the raindrops hit his window. He did his hair and went into the kitchen. He read the time. 8:30. His eyes widened and he hurried outside.

    He hailed a cab and hopped inside. He new it would take about 30 minutes to arrive and hoped the cab driver would arrive.

He got out of the cab, pulled out his phone and read the time. 9:00. Hopefully he's still here, he thought to himself and ran inside.

    Inside there weren't many people, but he didn't care. He looked for the boy with black hair and blue eyes. The boy that had the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. The boy with the black runes all over his body. The boy he saw yesterday. Alec.

    He looked around and only saw a couple eating dinner together, a boy or man with his head on the table, a guy in a trench coat drinking coffe, and a group of teenagers sitting at a booth laughing.

    He looked around again and again. Walking around to see if he could find Alec. When he finished looking around he went back by where he started. The boy or man that he thought was sleeping was gone.

    Could've that been Alec, he asked himself thoughtfully, probably not he wouldn't put his head on the table. At least I think he wouldn't.

Alec walked to the Institute as he walked in the rain. The rain didn't bother him. He loved the rain but he was to sad to enjoy it.

    He wanted to go back but maybe Magnus wouldn't show. He kept walking as raindrops fell into his hair. He didn't mind it either. He just ran his hand through his wet hair and shoved it into his pocket.

He reached the Institute and walked inside. Church greeted him by the elevator. Alec bent down to scratch him behind the ear but the cat clawed at him.

    "Stupid cat," he muttered under his breath as he walked into the elevator.

    He quickly ran into his room and took off his wet clothes. He took a quick shower then threw on black sweats and a white t-shirt.

    He laid in bed wondering why Magnus never showed. Why didn't he ca-

    Idiot, he told himself, I never left him my number and he didn't give me his.

    He laid there thinking that it could've been the last time he saw him. The last time he'll ever see him. He had to see him.

    He jumped out of bed. He threw on a hoodie and his weapons belt. He grabbed 4 Seraph blades just in case there was any trouble and his steele.

    He began running to where Magnus lived. Not caring what his mom would say. Not caring what will happen. He just wanted to see Magnus.

    He misjudged how far Magnus' apartment was because he grew tired. His hoodie was wet from the rain. Finally he got to Magnus' apartment

    He thought of doing something romantic like the movies.

    "Magnus!" He yelled "'Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, Did my heart fly at your service.'"

    Magnus popped his head out the window. "Ah Shakespeare," he said "you know I met him and he was a dick.'"

Magnus put his head back through the window and hurried down stairs. He pushed the door open and raindrops fell on his hair. Magnus,who always cared about his hair, didn't. This moment was just him and Alec.

    He ran to Alec and cupped his hand on Alec's cheek. He pulled him closer and Magnus passionately and gently kissed Alec. Pausing just to say "I love you" and continued to kiss. He ran his fingers through Alec's long black hair.

    "Magnus," said a voice behind him. She was tall, had blond hair, really pale, beautiful, and wore a red dress with black heels.

    They pulled away from each other. Before Magnus could speak Alec spoke. "Who are you?" Asked Alec.

    "Alexander, this is Camille," Magnus answered.

    "I'm his ex," said Camille smiling showing her fangs.



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