Chapter 10: A Long Journey Ahead

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Alec woke up smiling about the night before and the date Magnus had made for them. He looked over at Magnus and blushed at the sight of his naked body.

     Alec rolled off the bed. He opened the door to get his clothes. "Wow, you guys had fun didn't you?" Said a familiar voice.

     Alec quickly covered up. "What the hell Jace? What are you doing here?" Alec said.

     "I was curious okay," Jace said, "plus Maryse sent me."

     "What for?" Alec asked.

     "Well you didn't come to the Institute last night and she was worried," Jace said, "You know she doesn't know you're gay. You should tell her and Robert you know?"

     "No, they can't know Jace," Alec said.

     "I was just saying," Jace said, "well tonight Maryse and Robert are having a dinner party tonight, they were going to tell you last night but you never came. I should go. I need to get a suit or something and I'm taking Clary to buy a dress." Jace walked toward the door. He opened the door and looked back "You should change because you're still naked." Then shut the door.

Magnus woke up to see that Alec was gone. "Chairman Meow, where's Alec?" Magnus asked. The cat meowed back. "Wow you don't have to give me an attitude."

     Magnus got out of bed and put on a blue robe with unicorns farting rainbows. He walked out the room to see Alec dressed and breakfast ready. He wore an apron that read Eggcellent, Breakfast with a picture of a plate of eggs and bacon. "Good morning," Alec said and walked over to kiss him on the cheek.

     "What's this for?" Magnus asked.

     "Just because, now eat," said Alec. Alec put a cup of coffee in front of him. "We need to go shopping later."

     "Why?" Asked Magnus drowning his pancake in syrup.

     "My mom and dad are having a dinner party and I have to buy a suit," said Alec.

    Magnus jumped to his feet. "You want to go shopping!" He yelled.

     "I knew I was going to regret this," Alec muttered.

     "We'll eat first then we can go," said Magnus and he sat back in his chair and quietly ate.

Alec walked out the door holding Magnus' hand. Magnus had changed out of his unicorn robe thing and was now wearing a shirt with cats floating in space. He had black jeans and glitter im his hair.

     "Oh this way, they have good suits," Magnus said pulling his boyfriend in his direction. Alec didn't mind. He thought Magnus looked cute when he got excited about anything.

     They arrived at the store and Magnus let go of Alec's hand. Alec thought Magnus looked like a child in a candy store. He saw Magnus pick out two suits. "Try these on," said Magnus.

     "Okay," Alec said taking both suits. He tried the first suit on. It was an all black, slack suit except for the white long sleeve shirt. The second one was a grey structured suit, with a white long sleeved shirt, and a grey tie.

Magnus waited for Alec to come out with the suit. He always wanted to do the thing from the movies where the person comes out with differen outfits until they say yes but too bad he only had two suits to try on. Alec first came out with a black suit. "How do I look?" Alec asked.

     "You look good, but try the other one so I can see which one you look better in," replied Magnus.

     "I'll be back in a few," said Alec.

     A few minutes later Alec came out in a grey suit. "Oh that one!" Magnus yelled.

Alec smiled at the sight of Magnus almost jumping for joy when Magnus saw him in the grey suit. "Great! Amazing!" Magnus said, "I have the perfect suit."

     "Magnus, I'm sorry but you can't go," Alec said.

     "What?" Magnus said with hurt in his eyes.

     "Magnus I-" Alec was about to say but was cut off.

     "Fine Alexander, I'll do as you wish" Magnus said walked out of the store leaving a sad Alec behind.

A/N: Guys I changed this chapter because I didn't like the other one very much. I hope you like it. Also sorry for updating so late. I'll update in like 2-3 days or I'll try at least.

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