Chapter 7: Sick Day

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Magnus woke up with Chairman Meow Meow on his chest. Alec was gone. He probably had to do something, he thought. He couldn't move. It was a crime to move with your pet on you.

   He layed back with his hands behind his head, reminiscing on the series of events he had yesterday. He suddenly had the urge to sneeze. He tried not to due to the cat on his chest.

   Achooo! He sneezed making the cat yelp and leap in the air.

   "Sorry Chairman," he said, "I think I'm getting a stupid mundane sickness or something."

   Chairman just meowed at him.

   "Wow so rude," said Magnus, "I said sorry. Plus I feed you and you're acting like you don't care."

   Chairman Meow Meow walked out of the room. Magnus just stared at him. He felt another sneeze coming. He sneezed again.

   "Oh god I am getting sick," he said. "But why?"

    He got out of bed. He walked to the coffee maker where there was coffee already made. Alec must've made it before he left.

   The coffee warmed up his hands. He sipped some of his coffee. Alec made the best coffee. Correction Alec made everything better. Alec would make him feel better at this moment but he wasn't here.

   What would make Magnus feel better would be Alec's smile. Alec's smile always brightened up his day. Also his blue eyes. His blue eyes were as blue as the sky. He always had joy in his eyes. Just thinking about Alec made him miss him.

    Magnus finished his coffee and set the cup gently in the sink. He grabbed a box of tissues and went to bed. He threw himself on the bed covering himself and slowly falling asleep.

Alec had left Magnus' apartment around 9. Magnus always woke up late. So Alec left some coffee and headed to the store.

   Alec had heard that Magnus was sniffling and though maybe he was getting sick. Alec was going to make some chicken soup for him. He was going to rent two movies for them, The Wizard of Oz and 27 Dresses.

   Alec got all the stuff he needed to make the chicken soup. He stopped by the Institute to get black sweats and a grey shirt. After that he stopped by to get some donuts.

Alec entered Magnus' apartment. He entered the kitchen to see that there wasn't anymore coffee. So Magnus must've been awake. Alec went to see if Magnus was awake but he found him sleeping.

   Alec entered the kitchen and started making the chicken soup. After he finished he made some more coffee.

Magnus woke up with Alec sitting in bed. He wore black sweats and a gray shirt which he never wore at his house.

   "Morning, well afternoon because it's like 5:30 sleepyhead," Alec said.

   "Afternoon, where were you?" Magnus. Magnus began coughing.

   "I made you some chicken soup," Alec said. "I also bought donuts and made more coffee. I even rented movies that we could watch. Come on."

   "Oh okay then let's go," Magnus said.

Alec got a plate of soup ready for Magnus. He sat on the couch next to Magnus and began feeding him. Alec saw that Magnus smiled each time Alec fed him.

    They began eating donuts and drank coffee watching The Wizard of Oz. In the middle of 27 Dresses Magnus fell asleep on Alec.

   Alec quickly got up and took off the movie. He carried Magnus bridal style into the room. He carefully put him on the bed.

   "Goodnight Magnus," Alec said kissing him on his forehead. "I love you." Alec tucked him to bed and shut the door quietly.

(This is the shortest chapter yet. I tried my best like I always do. I hope I'm improving and I hope you like it. Thank you. Enjoy.)

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