Chapter 11: The Dinner Party

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Alec watched as Magnus walked out the store. "Umm sir, are you buying that?" Asked an employee.

"Uh yeah," said Alec looking out the door Magnus had walked out of, "let me just remove it and I'll pay for it up front." Alec changed his clothes, bought the suit and went to the Institute.

Magnus finally got to his apartment. He shut the door and leaned against it. He knew he shouldn't have walked out like that. He didn't even give Alec a chance to explain. He slid down the door and put his knees to his chest.

Alec entered the Institute with a bag in his hand. He went to where his room was. "Alec!" Yelled a voice.

     Alec turned around and dropped his bag on the floor and opened his arms. "Max!" Max ran and hugged Alec. "When did you get here?"

     "Last night," he said. "I had to come for the dinner party."

     "Of course," said Alec. "I'll see you later. I have to get ready for the party."

     "Okay see you later," said Max.

      Alec picked up his bag and walked into his room. He took out the suit from his bag and placed it on his bed. He took off his clothes and hopped in the shower.

After his shower, Alec sat on his bed with a towel wrapped around his waist. He grabbed his phone and started typing. He sat and looked at his phone wondering if he should send the message.

Magnus had finally gotten off the floor. He sat on the table sipping on his coffee when his phone vibrated and lit up. He picked it up and a name popped up. Alexander. Magnus wanted to see it but at the same time didn't. His curiosity got the best of him and he opened the message.

Magnus, I'm not sure if you'll read this at all or ignore it, but I just want to apologize. I didn't mean to hurt you, and I hate that I did. I hope you find it in yourself to forgive me but if you don't, I understand. I was just afraid. I didn't want my parents to know that I'm gay but if that hurts you then I want to tell them. So please come to the dinner party. It starts at 7. I hope you do come.

        Magnus felt tears stream down his face. No one had ever done anything like this for him. Not in all the centuries he'd been alive. He smiled. He knew he had to get to that party and he only had 2 hours to get there.

Alec put on his suit and was brushing his hair. There was a knock on his door. "Alec, hurry up, guests will arrive soon." It was Izzy.

     "Hold on," Alec said walking to the door. He opened it. "Can you brush my hair?" He said handing her the hairbrush.

     She took it. "Nice suit," she said brushing his black hair back.

     "Do you know why they're having this party?" Asked Alec. "Jace never told me."

     "No," said Izzy, "Mom and dad never told anybody."

     "I hate parties," said Alec, "and suits."

     "Quit complaining," said Izzy, "plus you look great." She indicated to the mirror.

     Alec couldn't lie. He did look pretty good. The grey suit. His black hair slicked back. His blue eyes.

     "Now come on," said Izzy pulling him by his arm, "we need to get out there."

Alec walked with Izzy to the sanctuary. Izzy ran to hug Simon.  There stood Max, Simon, Clary, Jace, his Robert, and Maryse. Max and Robert wore a black suit and bow tie. Jace wore a dark blue suit and a bow tie. Simon wore a black suit with a black tie. Clary wore a green dress that made her eyes pop. Maryse and Izzy wore a black dress.

     "I want to tell you why we planned the party," Robert said, "It's be-" Robert didn't finish his sentence. The noise of people talking and the doors open. Each one of them went to greet the people that had arrive.

     Magnus wore a purple suit and added a little but of glitter (maybe a little bit more than a little). He checked the time. 6:30. Knowing Shadowhunters they would be arriving there at the moment. Magnus looked at the mirror to see if he looked good enough and he really did. He looked away and left his apartment.

Alec didn't care about all these people that were here at the moment. He only wanted to see one person. Magnus.

     Alec walked around the party. People were eating at their tables. Then there was a commotion at the door.

Magnus finally arrived. He walked to the door. "Magnus Bane?" Said Robert.

     "Robert Lightwood, such a pleasure to see you after all these years," said Magnus.

     "No one invited you," said Robert.

     Magnus opened his mouth but someone else spoke. "Actually I did," said a voice. Magnus looked up to see Alec. Robert nodded to Magnus and left. "Sit at a table I have to go talk with my dad." Magnus walked to a table and sat down quietly waiting for Alec.

Alec walked to where his dad at. He stood next to his mom and Izzy.  "Oh Alec," said his dad. "I want to tell you what the party is for."

     "Okay bu-" Alec was saying but was interrupted by his dad.

     "Your mother and I want you to get married with a girl that's in this party," said Robert.

     "What!" Yelled Alec and Izzy simultaneously.

    "Yeah, we'll call her over," said Maryse.

    "No," said Alec, "I'm not going to marry a girl I don't even know."

     "Why?" Asked Robert.

     "Because I'm gay!" Yelled Alec. Alec could feel all eyes on him. "I'm dating Magnus! That's why I invited him!"

    "No son of mine will be gay!" Yelled Robert.

    "Why are you mad?" Asked Izzy, "We should be mad. You cheated on mom."

     "Izzy!" Yelled Maryse.

     "What?" Alec said, "You're mad because I'm gay when you cheated on mom?"

"Alec," Robert said reaching his hand out to Alec. "I-"

     "Don't touch me," said Alec. He turned around to see Magnus behind him. "Let's go."

     "Alec!" Yelled Maryse. Alec ignored her and walked out of the party.

A/N: I don't know if you guys will like it or not but I tried. I finished it this morning and I wanted to decide if I should add more or not. Well I hope you like it. Enjoy 😊.

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