Chapter 5: Taking A Risk

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Alec thought about which Vampire could've wanted to talk to him and who's subjugates these were. He knew it was a girl because one of them said "she", but he only knew one female Vampire but not that well. Her name is Lily.

    Lily, who he didn't know very well, was in the Vampire clan with Raphael. They had only met once when Simon was a Vampire and that was it. But why would she want to talk to me? He thought.

    "We're here," said the first subjugate.

    "Let's go," said the other.

    They stood outside a small old bakery all ruined and graffiti all over. The windows boarded up and the color of the building looked old and an ugly brown.

   They entered threw the door letting Alec go first. The room was dark and Alec couldn't even see his hand in the dark.

     From the darkness Alec heard a voice. "Finally you've come," the voice said.

    "Who are you?" Asked Alec.

    Suddenly the lights turned on. There were tables all around and a glass thing where they probably used to put the bread.

    At a table, sat a woman with blond hair and green eyes. She wore a black dress and high heels.

    "Camille?" Said Alec curiously.

    "Yes, it's me," said Camille.

    "What do you want?" Asked Alec. "I'm busy right now."

    "Oh like you were last night," she said.

    Anger rose through Alec. His hands were in fist. His nails digging into his skin. He felt blood drip from his hand.

    His hand went to his weapons belt and he pulled two seraph blades.

    "Nuriel!" He yelled "Cassiel!" The blades grew bright and everyone in the room flinched away.

     He drove Nuriel into one of the Subjugates heart.

    "Archer!" Camille yelled moving towards Alec.

     Alec slit the other subjugates throat.

    "No! Walker!" Yelled Camille knocking Nuriel out of his left hand.

    Alec cut Camille on her arm with his seraph blade. She staggered back and Alec tripped her.

    She quickly got up with her fangs out. She leaped onto him. His back hit the floor. His seraph blade slid out of reach. Alec punched her face. Blood trickled from her mouth. He grabbed her heel and pulled it off. He drove her heel into her chest and pushed her off.

     He reached for the seraph blade and pressed it against her throat letting out a little of blood.

    "Now answer my question," he said raising his voice. "What do you want with me."

   She just laughed. "You'll find out soon," she said "just break that thing on the table and I'll show up since you killed my subjugates."

    "I don't want your help!" Yelled Alec.

    "Oh you will," she said. "Let me just tell you that you won't live forever." Alec looked shocked. "You can leave now. You have to get ready for Magnus tonight don't you."

    "Shit!" Alec yelled getting to his feet. "But how did you know?"

    "I know a lot of things,"she said. "Oh and don't forget the graveyard dirt to contact me."

    Alec nodded and took it. He walked out and walked into the Institute.

Alec showered quickly and got dressed. He wore a black long sleeve shirt, black jeans, and boots. After he walked to Magnus' apartment.

Magnus was in his pajamas when his buzzer rang.

    "That must be the pizza," he said.

    He opened the door and outside stood the pizza delivery man. The man looked at his pajamas weirdly.

    Magnus didn't like that. Who was this man to be looking at his pajamas with unicorns eating rainbows.

    He took the pizza and handed him a twenty. He shut the door on his face and placed the pizza on his table. He quickly changed into black ripped jeans, a white shirt, and converse.

    He spiked up his hair. He looked into the mirror checking if it was fine.

Alec rang the buzzer and waited to be let in. He walked up the stairs and knoked at his door. Magnus looked amazing to Alec.

    "Come in," he said. "There's pizza on the table if you want any and I'll get coffee if you want any."

    "Oh okay," Alec replied. He moved towards the couch and sat down. He saw Magnus' cat, Chairman Meow Meow, walk towards him. Alec lifted him into his arms.

    "Chairman Meow Meow really likes you," said Magnus coming out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee. "Here's a cup for you."

    "You didn't 'borrow' it from the Casey's Café did you?" Asked Alec.

    "And why would I do that," said Magnus. Alec just looked at him narrowing his eyes. "No of course I didn't."

    "Oh OK," Alec said biting his lower lip, looking at Magnus. They sat there quietly looking at eachother.

    Magnus kissed Alec. Alec just closed his eyes as Magnus kissed him. Magnus pulled away fast.

    "Sorry, I didn't mean to," Magnus said. "I shouldn't have-" Magnus didn't finish his sentence.

    Alec passionately kissed Magnus. Magnus' lips were soft on his. Alec slid his hand under Magnus' shirt. He slid his hand on Magnus' chest.

    Alec felt Magnus' lips go down to his neck, kissing it gently. He moaned softly. Their lips locked once again. Alec moaned once more.

    Alec grabbed Magnus' shirt pulling him closer. He pulled his shirt off and ran his hand through Magnus' hair. He touched Magnus' soft smooth chest.

Magnus pulled Alec's shirt off and touched Alec's abs. His perfect abs. Alec had the abs of a God.

    Magnus pulled Alec off the couch, kissing Alec's soft lips. He slammed Alec on the wall as Alec reached to his pants.

    Magnus moaned into Alec's mouth. He pulled Alec towards his room and slammed him on the wall again. Magnus reached for the doorknob missing a few times but got it. He pushed Alec into the room closing the door behind him.

(Thanks for reading. I'm writing a new fan fiction so if you have the time go read it and tell me if you like it. It'll be called "A Shadowhunter's Tale". Thank you so much and I'd like to thank people that have read this since day one. A special thanks to carrhun for helping me with this and go read her stories. Thanks again.)


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