[Q.L.] Chapter 1

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Quannavia's Life
Chapter 1

Quannavia's POV

"What do you mean I'm getting evicted!!" 18 year old Quannavia yelled holding her 2 year old son trying not to cry. "I have a fucking son to take care of with no support from my family or anything. I don't even have help from his father. I'm working two jobs to provide for us. I pay all my bills on time, I never disrespect you, my son doesn't disturb you or your business so please explain why the hell I'm being evicted." She said crying now because she could no longer hold her tears back.

"You've got people complaining and reporting things about you and people who find out about it come to me disturbing my business so because of that I'm sorry but I've gotta let you go." He said

"Mommy no twy no ma ma no twy. Why you mate ma ma twy?? You bad man bad bad man!!" Kingston, Quannavia 2 year old son yelled the landlord, Doctavien Ring, in his baby voice

"No it's ok baby boy see mommy not crying." She said squatting down to her sons eye level and wiped her face clean of any tears and gave him a small smile to show him that she was alright.

After they got some of their things they left without saying anything else to Mr. Ring. Quannavia didn't have a car so they had to wait for the bus but since it's all most 10 pm there wasn't going to be another bus for another 2 hours. They sat down on a near by bench except she failed to notice a man in all black following them.

The man covered her mouth and nose with his hand then started dragging her into a near by alley while she was struggling and crying. After a while of her struggling she bit his hand then started yelling at her son telling him to go get help. That was the last thing she saw and did before he hit her in the head with something and she blacked out.

2 hours later

Quannavia woke up to an unfamiliar room and her son sleeping next to her. She got out of the bed slowly trying not to wake Kingston. When she look around the room she saw a two open doors one was a bathroom and the other was a closet full of women clothes. She couldn't remember how she got here or anything from last night. It was all hazy to her.

When she noticed all of their stuff in their bags in the corner of the room she got them some clothes out so they could take a shower.

"Baby boy wake up." She said as she gently shook him.

"No mami."

"Disculpe (excuse me)" She spoke those two words in Spanish because she knew that he knew what they meant.

He finally woke up and reached his hands out as a sign that he wanted to be picked up.

"Come on baby boy let's get you cleaned up."


"Trévian you need to come see your mama more often boy alright?? You need to get out these streets and find a good mother figure for my grandson" Trévian's mother told him as he came to pick up his 3 year old son, Távion, from his mothers house

"Ma I'm 21 years old so I still got time." He said getting slightly frustrated from hearing the same thing every time he comes see her

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