[Q.L.] Chapter 4

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Quannavia's Life

Chapter 4

Quannavia's POV

"Alright, alright, its funny, what-the-fuck-ever. Ah kekeke." I said making them laugh harder.

"Bruh alright, alright what the fuck you doin here? Shouldn't your homeless ass be looking for a job so you can fend for your damn child." Life said and as fast as he said that I slapped his ass

"Damn I know that had to hurt." Smoke said with a wince.

Before I could do anything or say anything once I realized who the hell I slapped, it was too late. Life had is hand wrapped around my throat. He slammed me against the wall while squeezing down. everything was starting to hurt and black dots were clouding my vision it felt like my lungs were closing in on me. I suddenly heard Smoke's voice but I couldn't understand anything he was saying.

"....go........mean it........this......son....has a son....dis-" everything was cut off by the darkness completely consuming me.

(Quannavia's Dream/blackout Mode)

"Mommy wake up La'Keem is up and he's crying" I suddenly heard a babies cries and as I looked up I saw Kingston. who looked like he was five right now. I looked arund the room I was in and it didn't look familiar at all and suddenly the cries got louder.

"Mommy is still sleepy so I want you to take me to La'Keem." That was somewhat true plus I had a headache and didn't know where the baby was. When we reached the baby room I noticed it was a room for twin boys but there was only one baby here.I picked the baby up and he snuggled up into me and immediately stopped crying. He looked just like...

(Quannavia's Dream/blackness Mode over)

I was coughing, gasping, and pretty much doing anything to get some air in my lungs and to get them to start working again. My vision, I couldn't see anything besides blurry body figures and my blurry surroundings. My head, my head felt like someone dropped a brick on it. My body, my body felt too heavy for me even though I weigh 110 pounds. My hearing wasn't as bad as everything else. They start to hurt when I inhale but not when I exhaled but I honestly think that they need to pop.

I realized that my ears did indeed pop, my body pain started subside but it was still there and the same for my head, my vision was back to normal after a few blinks and I stopped gasping and coughing but not completely.

"You ok lil mama??" Someone asked me in a soft voice

"Who me?? Yea yea I'm great because I just got chocked then while I was in a darkness I had a dream that I had twins boys and one was with their father I guess but the one I had in my hands looked like someone I know but I don't know who and my son was like around five and he kept calling the baby boy La'Keem. So yea yea I'm totally fine." I told

"You caused all of that on yourself." The one and only, Life, said and even had the nerve of laughing

"How did I cause this on myself??"

"Because you slapped me. What did you lose your memory or something??"

"No I didn't lose my memory and if I remember correct you basically implied that I couldn't take care of my son. When you say something like that to a struggling, single mother/father with no family your asking death to come get you. Yet you wouldn't know what the definition of the word(s) struggling or struggling single father mean. So I suggest that you go through the same things that I had to then comment on my situation bitch." By the time I was done saying all that I was in his face while anyone in the room had a shocked face.

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