[Q.L.] Chapter 8

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Quannavia's Life

Chapter 8

Tajani's POV

Wow! All the shit I done been through with Keynda or Keyndavia might be fake as h*ll. I realized the I'm just sitting in my car wondering why she never told me this but then again she could be scheming on my ass just like Quannavia told me. Maybe everything Quannavia told me was true? Maybe everything Keynda told me was true? Maybe I should go home and talk to Keynda about this? Should I?

I'm so confused I don't know what to do.

I started up the car to drive home. About 25 minutes later I pulled up to the house and saw a car parked in my parking space. Maybe it's one of her friends.

I walk in the house and heard nothing but when I start walking up the stairs I hear low murmurs but as I get closer it sounds like moans and groans and knocking on the wall I stop and pray to God that this isn't what I think it is.

"God I know I don't come to you often but Lord I just ask you to not reveal a sight in front of me that could hurt me. I just ask that if you do reveal a bad sight in front of me that you at least give me the strength to get my stuff and walk away from it all. I just ask that you reveal the truth for me Lord and please give me the strength Lord." I closed my eyes and prayed, something that I rarely did, and I could hear my voice crack a little at the end and my eyes started to water.

I took a deep breath before I open the door and the site before me broke my heart but yet I was relieved. I was heartbroken because the woman that I love was in bed bed that we shared with someone else but I was also somewhat relieved that I saw the truth about her before I could ask her the question I wanted to ask her for a while. I kept my cool and packed my bags without them noticing me. As I watch I noticed that she wasn't really feeling what he was doing to her but maybe I'm wrong after all I thought I knew her but it turns out she's just like the rest of the h*es and b*tches out here.

400+ words

Excuse all mistakes!!! Please






I hope you enjoyed!!🤗


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