Chapter 3 | Bad At Everything Boy

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Bad Boy Cliché

Walking down the school halls I suddenly got the feeling that something was about to happen. 

Something... shitty.

Well, I was late for starters. That should qualify as something 'shitty'. As the bell rung, I sighed and slowed down. Should I even bother going to class now? 

I mean, I was already like 17 seconds late. 

What if I wasn't even let in? 

Nah, I shouldn't bother - wouldn't want to be a bad example to the other students and walk in late.

I shifted my brand-new backpack to the other shoulder and walked straight past my classroom, heading for the exit. I wondered if I should go grab some food from somewhere on my way home.

My mind clogged with garlic bread almost didn't register the door behind me being slammed open, and I flinched at the sound. I turned around ready with an excuse to whatever teacher was gonna yell at me, but I didn't get to say a word before people were already yelling.

"Screw this school, I don't need this!" Someone roared and came storming out into the hall. A teacher was yelling profanities, and the students sitting in the class - that I should have been a part of - did the 'Oooooh!' and 'Whoaa!' sounds.

"Mr. Payne come back in here this instant!" The teacher screamed. 

"You have no idea who you're talkin' to lady!" He spat back and stomped off.

Ah. It was that guy. The Darek-guy. Huh.

My interest had fallen and I turned around half-running down the hall before the teacher noticed me, and jumped out into the summer day. 

Though this particular summer day was a bit rain-y and shit. But it still had that summer scent, y'know. Plus the smell of rain. Stretching my arms I took a deep breath and sighed again. Walking slowly I was going through my mental map of where I could get some garlic on.

Ah, but of course something had to happen. I could smell the bullshittery through the sent of summer and rain. Someone came stomping from behind me. 

"Get out of my way."

I was roughly pushed aside as this someone walked past me, and all I registered was a blur of leather and slick-back dark hair. I nearly tripped. 

"Yo, what the hell man?" I grumbled, checking if I got any mudstains on me, "Why you gotta be this angsty? Is it the rain?"

It was the Darek guy. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned slowly towards me.

"The fuck?" He growled, "Do I look like I give a shit?"

"Yeah. You're raising your voice and you are still here. So yeah, I would say a shit has been given," I rebutted. I didn't need this emo kid to ruin my good mood today - not after I already had to sit through countless of lectures from my teachers about my dropping grades.

He scoffed in disbelief and looked around.

"Do you really wanna start shit with me?" He said, "Are you retarded? Do you even know me?"

"I don't know you but I've heard of you," I said squinting my eyes. He smiled, pleased with himself, "You are... that guy who peed himself in the cafeteria a couple of years back, right?"

His smirk vanished.

"What? No! No, that was Darek Williams! Different guy!"

"Ooh," I shrugged. "Different Darek. Then I have no idea who you are."

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