Sigil 4

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Top of the morning to yah.

Have you yet recovered from our last session?

You know what I did after Dean told us about his meeting with Castiel – besides making a relaxing cuppa tea? I opened up the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Lebor Gabála Érenn and every religious text I could find in the library to look up as many things as imaginable about angels. Tons upon tons of lore was sitting on the desk as I was frantically holding onto my sanity. On the outside I seemed peaceful while on the inside I imagined myself smashing pots and plates to release all the stress what was prompted by an unforeseen existential crisis. Angels and Heaven I can sort of get; but God? Everything in pious writings is true? There is a Holy Spirit, a Creator, an All-Mighty Son who died for our sins? If so where does it leaves us humans? What am I?

You know what? I shouldn't worry about this. Gotta keep it together and dig up everything useful about angels, as silly as it sounds. Thankfully we had several religious readings at Bobby's in numerous languages so I was set from the get-go.

(🎶Rob Zombie - Superbeast)

Biblical knowledge came in handy right on the next day when the boys, Bobby and I encountered an indeed peculiar phenomenon. Hunters were found dead left and right, all of them were killed off the same way: chest ripped open, ribs pried exposing the inside. Graphic, I know. A job done by revenge. Shortly we, ourselves, got a taste of it.

People, those who we couldn't save came back to haunt us, that includes me too of course. The gohsts came out of nowhere without any signs. First, they found Bobby whose last words to me was to run down to the basement and stay there until the danger passes. Before I could do that the ghost of Elenore, the huntress from England blocked my way.

I barricaded myself away in my room where I still had a few ingredients stored for a couple of hex bags. I quietly remained there until Gloria, the innocent college girl, showed herself. She just stood in the doorway, expressionlessly looking at me. My heart was racing and I feared for my life so much so that I managed to forget about Bobby.

The Winchesters arrived early in the next morning. Dean saved my backside when the brothers came upstairs looking for us and stumbled upon me. The 4 of us met later and we headed down to the Vault, the place where I should have been this entire time.

Oh yeah, the Vault, I forgot to tell you about it earlier. A bit over a year ago, when Bobby, Dean and I were looking for the then vanished Sam I planted a thought in the old man's head. Near or far there was no safe place for us and Bobby was afraid to leave me to myself during the days when every shadow seemed dangerous so he came up with the idea of building a custom panic room. A chamber what's completely ghost and demon proof. We had the resources: iron from the cars scattered around the lot and oodles of salt to coat the surface with.

Last year when the Winchesters and I were taking care of business outside the States he took some time off and manufactured the whole thing by himself. It was everything we could ask for. Completely safe, comfortable enough with plenty of room so nobody can complain about personal space (I have issues, sorry) and an arsenal of weapons, including shooters, slicers and gallons of holy water.

As we were sitting in the Vault figuring out what to do next Sam and Dean mentioned a weird symbol what they saw on the ghosts' hands. Sam drew a picture, showed it to us. Obviously, Bobby knew what it was and that made everything crystal clear. "Rise of the witnesses", an omen for none other than the bleeding Apocalypse. Suddenly angels walking among mortals over thousands of years later didn't look like such a big deal compared to the End of the World.

We took care of the ghosts by performing a ritual, as usual. It wasn't easy battle, literally had to shoot our way through it, but in the end we all came out alive and well. All we needed was a good rest to regain our strength and the following day pick up where we left off. And that's how it happened, except Dean had more to talk about with all of us.

He was visited by "Castiel, Angel-of-the-Lord" in his dream where the winged guy shared more knowledge with him. According to Castiel the Apocalypse was upon us. Not that we haven't figured it out by ourselves, but thanks for the intel, pal. Lilith, the demon woman was breaking the 66 Seals, one of them was the Rise of the Witnesses. Once all he seals will be broken and Lucifer, King of Hell, Light-bringer, Satan or however you wanna call him, will be unencumbered. Right now, he's sitting in his cage where the Big Man himself tossed him in after he betrayed him by refusing to serve the human race as their defender and guardian. I'm sure you're familiar with the story.

What's important is if Lucifer will be freed he'll not only wage war on Heaven but also going to light up the Earth to punish humankind. I bet it'll be on a Monday, everything depraved happens to ensue on a Monday.

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