Blood Lust

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Rickys P o v
I'm a monster... Something not human, something evil like a deadly disease that no one wants near them. I kill people so I can live so I can keep going to hide in the shadows like a beaten puppy.

But the thing is I don't regret it... The killings afterwards the look of horror stays with me the way their eyes stay frozen. How quickly Rigor Mortis takes over, when the lights of a neighbors flickers on because they've heard screams of terror.

 How quickly Rigor Mortis takes over, when the lights of a neighbors flickers on because they've heard screams of terror

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The way the first drop hits my mouth the scent of the victim. You can almost smell the fear and hear the heart go thump, thump, thump against the persons Ribcage. Has adrenaline increases has they try to escape after a long chase the fight the victims put up to live another day in this ruthless society.

I've let some live but sometimes there is no stopping me the lust and the want takes over like tidal waves on a small boat. I lose most of the time how petty is that? I'm a vampire were supposed to be strong invincible creatures correct?

But here I am telling you about how I lose a diet battle I guess you could call it that but each slip costs someone their life, their future, their family.

I sit staring at a window watching people line up for warped hearing their heart pound against their chests awaiting to see their idols. What if they knew I was a murdering creature? Would they still scream my name still attend my shows?

However suddenly I receive a tap on my shoulder taking my away from my ever busy mind. "Rick you look exceptionaly pale man." I look up to find Chris with a glass of sweet red liquid.

The smell is overwhelming like vanilla and rain "thanks Chris." I smile at him and he nods and sits across from me another talk about what how I'm a killer? How I shouldn't feel bad because I shouldn't have to die over something I didn't deserve?

"Rick we have a show and I just wanna know if your up for it?" He looks at me and I realize he must think I wanna kill ... Again I sip the drink slowly the substance is sweet like the smell and its almost freshly from the blood system.

" I'm fine Chris don't worry about me." I take another drink watching bits of colour flow back to my skin which by the way wasn't much.

Chris nods "Ricky I don't know what its like being ... " he searches for the correct word "Monster?" I say knowing he wouldn't have said it. "No I was going to say Edward Cullen." He laughs.

" I don't sparkle Chris." I laugh

"Yes yes the all Gothic sun hating vampire ." he says and I laugh along with him its better than being sparkly ...

But I wanted to die.... I dont deserve this my life our band our fans...

First edited chapter thanks for reading my Mad Hatters !!!!

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