Chapter 1

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Rose's POV

 ''Come on wake up'' I heard someone whisper as they shook me. I hate it when people shake me like that so early in the morning. I woke up and grabbed that person by the shirt with my eyes closed. ''You will learn better than to do that suga pie hunny bun'' I said as I raised my hand ready to slap the person. ''Rose stop. I forgot okay? It's just we have school today'' the person said. Then I reckonized it was my cousin Kiesha. I opened my eyes and rubbed them. I looked around my room. Our walls were painted purple, there were a bunch of posters of our favorite stars, their were clothes everywhere, and the light was shining bright in my face.

 If I could I would fly to the sun and stab it for being so bright. ''Sorry Kiesh, but do not do that again'' I said firmly as I stepped out og bed and walked into our bathroom. Yes I know everyone. Ghetto Girls got there own bathroom. Just stop stereotyping. I stepped in the shower real fast and then brushed my teeth and did my buisness. I decided to where my skinny jeans, a blue tank, a mini leather jacket, blue high tops, big hoop earrings with the names Rose in them, lip gloss, eye shadow, mascara, blush, and I wore my hair out(like it is on the cover of the story).

 I stepped out the bathroom to see Kiesha dressed in everything I had on, but pink. ''Ready?'' she asked as she looked up from texting. ''Does it look like I am ready. I mean come on.....are you mentally retarded'' I said as I grabbed my bookbag. She shook her head and grabbed her bookbag and we headed downstairs to where we met the rest of out family members.. My mom was down there sipping coffee while Aunt Diane was screaming at her. Mom ain't care because she just acted like she was muted. I can tell because she looked at me and tilted her head to Aunt Diane and rolled her eyes. I laughed.

Maybe alittle to loud because Aunt Diane turned to me with fury in her eyes. ''What is you laughing at? Like really though. Like you always so giggly. Like I swear if the world eneded you be laughing'' Aunt Diane shot at me. I rolled my eyes. Big mistake. ''What was that sweetheart?'' she asked because she stepped up to me. ''Aunt Diane like, you play you really play cause no one said anything to you. And can you please back up because your breath smell like some burnt cigarattes so out my face you go'' I said clapping my hands.

 She grabbed by my hair making me get on my knees. ''Girl you wish I was playing with you though. Like fo real though. I will pull your weave out'' she shouted in my ear. She makes me so angry. I swear if she wasn't family, she would be right up there with Tupac. ''IT AIN'T NO WEAVE AUNTIE AND YOU KNOW THAT! YOU JUST HATING BECASUE YOURS IS A WEAVE!'' I shouted talking about her messed up red weave. I mean her hair was crinkly and beat red. If you just run your hands through her hair it fall out. Like it is fake as ever. ''WHO YOU YELLING AT'' Aunt Diane shouted as she gripped my hair tighter.

 ''Diane Zamira Jenkins. Get ya nasty behind hands out my grandbaby's hair'' Nini shouted. Thanks Nini. You have alway been a lifesaver. We call her Nini because she hates the name gandma because it makes her feel old. If we called her grandmom once when we were little she would have our butts on the wall. No joke. She is super tuff and so is Pop. Since they met each other in the Marine Corps. Aunt Diane immediatley let me go and backed away from me.

I stood up and looked at Nini. Nini was bout 6ft, with cocoa brown skin, short curly hair(no weave), no wrinkles, green eyes, curvy but not fat, and full of musles as hard as a rock. Pop was around 6'3, he had cocoa brown skin, freshly cut hair, brown eyes, is buff, no wrinkles, and has an amazing smile. I rubbed my head. ''Are you okay Rosey?'' Nini asked as she gave ma a hug. I breathed in her scent. She smells like french vanilla and a loving grandmother which she is.

 ''Yeah Nini. Now that you saved me'' I said smirking. She shook her head and got a piece of toast. ''I think you should change'' Pop said to me. Here he go again being so over protective. I mean come on Pop no one will touch me and 3 chicas know that. ''No time to change.. We have to go'' I said.  Then Maya, Frita, Kiesha, and Ashley walked to me. ''We are waiting for you'' Ashley reminded me. One thing you should know about Ashley is that she is so bossy.

And she never know when to shut her mouth. Ashley has brown hair that is alway curly(no weave because me and my sister like to keep it natural), cocoa brown skin, green eyes from Pop, beach body, pretty smile, and has long fingernails for scratching chicks. ''Uh, excuse me. I am not a waiter at Applebee's. You is not gonna rush me. We got time'' I said as I got a cup of orange juice. ''Whateva'' Frita said as she sat on a stool that was open since everyone was mostly down here. Frita is so lazy. I mean she is like Garfield on Monday. Though she is always ready to fight.

Frita is the type who will always have your back and thats what I love about her. Frita has tan hair with extensions that is always pulled back, she has some beautfiul blue eyes that are so appealing(thats why she keeps her hair back so you can admire her eyes), she is 5'9, alittle plump, and is a true beauty. ''Just hurry up because I need to get to class early or Ms.Willows will kill me'' Maya said as she took a bite of her omelet. ''Why would you be late?''Aunt Julie asked Maya. Maya looked nervous. ''No reason'' she responded.

Maya is very sneaky. She can also be a thief too. She basically has the world wrapped around her finger. She can take you left earring and not know until you looked in the mirror. That girl could still Beyonce's weave and she wouldn't know until Jay-z ain't have nothing to pull on. She could even steal Bill Gates wallet Maya though can always get ya stuff back sfrom someone who took your stuff and then beat them up later. Maya has brown hair in them weave braids, brown eyes, a small beauty mark under her eye, very fit, 5'8, has a bright smile,  smooth skin, and black painted nails.

When I finsihed my juice I popped some gum in my mouth. ''Let's go guys'' I said. They sighed and followed me to our truck. It is a blue Ford Explorer truck. Who ever said ghetto kids sain't got mom. When we got in the car I took my time getting my key into the ignishen(I think that is how you spell it). ''Yo Rose. Could you be any slower like come on. I gotta meet Tina at the corner store'' Maya said as she smacked her gum. ''Get me hot cheetos'' I said as I started to drive. ''Do you have the money?'' Maya asked. ''Girl you know you ain't paying so don't even start'' Frita said.

I cuckled and turned on Slightwork. ''Hundred twenty five-'' Kiesha began to rap. That was the start of out daily jam session. We arrived that corner store 5 minutes later. I saw Tina waiting out there smoking a cigaratte. Tina is very gothic. She cuts people and I think she shot someone. She tuff and scares me. She has black waist length hair with blue highlights, even bangs that cover her eyes, piercings in her tongue, eyebrow, and lip, light skin, 5'11, and green eyes. ''Make it quick'' Frita shouted at Maya as Maya got out the car. Frita waved her off and ran into the store with Tina.

They came out 3 minutes later with a bag. ''Drive'' Tina said. I drove because she would stab me if I didn't drive. I sped all the way to the school. I got out the car and got my Hot Cheetos from Maya. We walked down the hall side by side and everyone stepped back becaude they knew if they ain't it was on. Then I spotted my boo Daquan and I began a make-out session. ''Hey baby. What you doing?'' he said as he pulled away aftre 3 minutes. My man is dark skinned and toned. He is a line backer on the football team and he is the most cutest person on Earth. He maked me week in the knees. ''Just got finished seeing Maya and Tina steal from a store'' I said flirtasiously.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. ''I have to go before I am late meeting up with my bud Tyler'' he said. I smiled and he walked away. Then thats when I saw him. A man that reminded me of a younger version of LL Cooljay, but white. He had black hair cut like Taylor Lautner's, abs you could see through his shirt, looked about 6'7, had beautiful Russette eyes, and I saw him laugh and he had the best smile ever. I was drooling over him and felt my heart ache for him.

 I never felt that way around Daquan. Then he saw me and our eyes locked. It was like no feeling I have evr felt before. It was like I just met the live of my life. His boys  began laughing when they noticed what me and him were doing. There were like 8 boys who looked evenly fit like him. Some ere tan and others white. Though they didn't size up to him. He was way bigger than them. The boy I was staring at smirked at me and walked away. My heart just beat faster and I felt like I walked into a melting pot of love. ''Come on Rosey'' someone said. I looked to where I heard the voice that interupted me. It was Kiesha once again. I nodded and walked to Homeroom. I am going to see him again........

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