Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to All my fans and readers that love this story. Thanks and I will continue

Rosemary's POV

          I woke up to the sound of bird's chirping. They were singing their usual song and I smiled. I opened my eyes and was shocked. Where am I? I was not in my room. Instead I was in a green room that was a mess. I sat up and looked to my right. Kiesha was not there. I looked around the room again and reckonized where I Miguel's room. I remebered what happened last night. If this is his room, where is he? I got out the bed and walked to the bathroom which door's was wide open. I brushed my teeth with my finger and grabbed my stuff and walked out the room. I walked down a narrow hallway to find a case of stairs. It was chestnut wood and it was round. I walked downstairs and was lead straight into the kitchen. When I walked downstairs 3 girls were staring at me. One about 13, caucasion, she's a bruenette, blue eyes, and a nice figure. Another about 30 something, caucasion, beach body, has dark black hair, and green eyes(like Pine's). The last one looked about in her late 50s, caucasion, she's a blonde, piercing blue eyes, and curvy. ''Hi'' I said as I stepped down from the last step. ''Nice to finally meet you'' the 30 year old one said as she crushed me in a hug. I was shocked. Why is this girl all up on me? ''You too'' I said still in a state of shock. ''Tonya, if you don't get off of her'' the 50 year old said. Tonya let go and stared at me. ''Um, can ya get out my face please. It is to early in the morning fo that, okay? I mean you like a starving dog that just seen meat for the first time Palease'' I said. She looked at me shocked. I ignored her and sat down on one of the bar stools. ''That was good'' the little 13 year old said. I turned to her and rolled my eyes. When I turned to her she was in my face. I mean back up with that poop breath. ''Lil girl. Do I know you?'' I asked her. She looked down. ''No'' she whispered. ''Then back up'' I snapped. ''Names Kate by the way Ghetto girl. I don't like you'' Kate said. Uh uh, oh no she didn't. I will beat this little dancing queen up. ''You think Iike you? All up in my face to early in the morning on a Saturday. Like back up. You take afta you mama. With that BB'' I shot back. ''What?' she asked. ''Bad Breath. You should know. Thinking ya know everything'' I answered. ''Please, talk to the hand'' Kate said as she put her hand in my face. ''Girl you betta get ya dookey wiping hand, out my face before I donate it to the Kid 'I Need A Hand' services. Keep playing with me'' I shouted. She immediatley pulled her hand out my face and acted like she was gonna it me. ''GIRL I WISH YOU WOULD! I AIN'T AFRAID TO BEAT UP ONE OF SANTA'S HELPAS! PLAY WITH ME, PLAY WITH ME'' I shouted in her face. She flinched ''Alright girls calm down'' the 50 year old woman said as she placed a plate of bacon, pancakes, eggs, home fries, and a cup of orange juice in fron of us. ''Thank you'' I said as I picked up a fork. ''No problem and I am Jenny by the way. Miguel should be back soon'' Jenny informed me. '' I.m Rosemary and where did he go?'' I asked. ''Out'' was all she said. ''Um, Rosemary... do you mind telling us what happened last night?'' Tonya asked. I shook my head and told them what happened. I even shed a few tears. ''Aaw, sweetie here'' Tanya said as she handed me a tissue. I blew my nose. ''Oh she's fake. If I were a boy I woulda done the same thing'' Kate said. ''SHUT UP'' I yelled at her. ''Yeah Kate, you really need to shut your mouth or go upstairs'' her mother demanded. She frowned and stomped upstairs. If I did that to my mom, she would have fed me to the wolves. She don't play. ''Anyway, was Miguel nice to you?'' Jenny asked. ''Oh you mean Pine? Yeah he took care of me'' I answered rolling my neck. ''Pine?'' they asked. ''I call him Pine because his eyes remind me of the color pine'' I explained blushing alittle. ''Aaaw, so cute'' Tonya sung. I laughed and ate a piece of bacon. Then my phone ringed. The ringtone was Rack City by Tyga so I knew it was Ashley. I got to take this'' I said. I walked into the living room and answered the phone.

Me: Hello


Me: Stop screaming and let me explain

Ashley: Go ahead.

Me: (I told her everything that happened after I danced on the bar)

Ashley: You lucky we don't have school today or mom would kill you for being late on a Friday. She said be careful getting back and don't open your legs for Miguel.

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