Chapter 5

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Miguel's POV

      After I dropped Rose off at her house, I went home. I wanted to get a nap because I had patrol in a few hours. Patrol is where we go gaurding the peremiter for any hunters or anyone causing trouble. I parked home, ran to the forest, took off my clothes and tied my pants to my leg. I shifted into my wolf and it felt good. I was a brown and black wolf, with all black paws. I felt the mind link of Ray, Mitchell, Brandon, and Carter. ''Hey Mig. I see your girl is like real ghetto. She is so ignorant'' Ray said through the link. I felt my wolf want to take over and attack him for saying such a thing about my mate. I ran through the woods and tracked their scent so I could see where they were. When I saw them I walked over to Ray. ''Don't talk about her like that'' I said. ''I mean seriously dude, the pack won't except her. Especially the elders'' Mitchell said. ''They will. She's my mate'' I answered to him. ''But mate's don't treat each other the way she treats you and other people. No one will like her'' Carter said. I really was getting pissed. How dare they talk about her like that! I have never said anything like that about their mate's. ''You will stop talking about her like this. She is my mate and since she is, you will except her. Even if you don't like her'' I spat angrily. I ran deep into the forest to look and went to the place where I was supposed to patrol. ''Sorry man. They shouldn't have said that. I kinda like her'' Brandon said as he ran to me. I chuckled. ''Thanks'' I said. Then I saw them. The people who have been trying to destroy our pack for years. They want our land because they can't call one their own since no one will turn up. They possibly think they have a chance with us, but we keep denying them. They are called the Midnight Blue pack. The alpha's name is Frank. He is so stuck-up and is trying to get under our skin. He has ome very good plans, but they usually come crashing down. Just to let you know, these guys will put up a fight no matter what. Then the alpha's left hand man is the one I have issues with. His names Jay and he is always messing with me. He trys to mess me up and then get to the the rest of us. He just seems to have this big problem with me and I don't like that. I howled 3 times to let the pack know that we had trouble. They were here in no time. Midnight Blue were in their human forms. The rest of my pack came in their human forms. When we howl once it means we need to discuss something important, the second time means trouble, and the third time means come in human form. I shifted behind a huge tree and put my pants on which were tied to my leg. ''What do you want?'' dad asked them. Our pack stood side by side, making sure they don't try to come through our land. They smirked. My pack growled in sync at them. ''Whoa, whoa, whoa there buddy. We come in peace. Just want to talk'' Frank said. He does not act like an Alpha at all. ''Were not your buddies'' Ray said. ''What do you want to talk about?'' dad asked. ''We want to join Dark Knights'' Jay said. Heck no, they ain't joining. ''Over my dead body'' I said to Jay. ''I am not try to fight'' Jay said. ''We are tired of roaming around fighting with other packs. If we can't fight then will join'' Frank said. ''Even the enemy'' I heard Jay mumble. ''I am sorry, but no'' dad said. ''We would let you be the alpha'' Frank said to my father. ''Let's work together'' he added. My dad gave him an evil glare. I can't wait to see this fight. ''No means no'' dad said angrily. ''You know what. We won't join then. We will fight now'' Frank said, ''This is war now. I will get my land and property. I will do everything in my power to have it''. My dad growled fiercly and yelled ''Leave''. They smiled and turned around and left. Jay looked back and shouted ''I will get this land Miguel. I will even take the most important thing to you''. Oh no, he will not lay a hand on her. ''Over my dead body'' I shouted back. He ran over to me and we shifted ready to fight. I want him to touch her. I dare him. See where he's gonna wake hell. ''Shift back Jay'' Frank said to his son. He kept staring at me. ''Shift Miguel now. He's not worth a fight'' my dad said to me. He was right. I wasn't gonna waste my energy fighting this guy. Heck, I wouldn't even loose energy because he ain't tuff. He don't got nothing on me. I ran behind a tree and shifted and put my pants back on. I walked away and didn't look back. I was pissed at the moment. I walked upstairs and was stopped by Kate. ''Not now Kate'' I said as I pushed her out of the way. Her being so stubborn got in front of me again. ''Miguel, I hate your mate'' Kate said. Ugh, not her too. I mean what is really wrong with her? She's perfect. ''Why?'' I asked. ''Cause she ghetto and ignorant'' Kate answered. WHAT? Then my mom must've heard bacause she came out of her room and said, ''I don't like her either. Very disrespectful. I know she's your mate and all, but I just am not a fan of her'' mom said. I growled and walked to my room and flopped on my bed. I don't care if no one likes her because I do. No I don't like her, I love her. Only known her for a few days and she makes me weak in the knees. Even though she is my mate and I am supposed to feel this way, I know I would if she wasn't. She's just perfect like that.

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