Chapter 1

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Scene change: • • •
POV change: - - -

3 years later. (Clarke's POV)

"Come on, don't cry. We will meet again," Clarke says as she hugs Charlotte tighter than ever. "Please stop crying, i'll come visit, I promise," she says holding out her pinky finger.

Charlotte sniffs as she nods. "okay," she says locking Clarke's pinky with hers. "You promise?"

Clarke tightens her pinky around Charlotte's. "I promise." Clarke pulls Charlotte into a tight embrace, trying not to cry herself. She has grown really close to Clarke over the past few years, Clarke can't imagine her life without Charlotte in it. "Go say goodbye to Augustus, he'll miss you."

Charlotte nods and makes her way over to the little boy who is holding her fathers hand. She watches them hug tightly as she holds back a cry.

Jake steps forward and hugs Clarke tightly. "Be safe kiddo."

"I will dad. Thank you for everything."

Jake nods as she steps away from her and Bianca cries as she pulls Clarke into a bone crushing hug. "I can't believe you're going honey, you don't have to you know? You're always welcome here."

Clarke looks at her and holds her hand. "I know, but. . . I have to do this for Augustus, he has to know who his father is."

Bianca nods, another tear spilling out of her eye. "I love you, stay safe."

"You too."

Clarke looks at her little family, the best family she could ask for. Her eyes fall on her son, his curly brown hair pricking his eyes. She could never bring herself to cut his beautiful locks. They reminded her too much of his father. Who has no idea Augustus even exists. . .

"Come on buddy," she said holding out her hand to Augustus. "It's time to go."

Augustus makes his way over to his mom, taking his little hand in hers. "Where are we going mommy?" He asks in his little, soft voice.

"We're going to our new home.."

They start to walk towards the departure zone, waving goodbye to her dad, Bianca and Charlotte.

"I love you guys!" She yells to them. "Wave goodbye Auggie."

Augustus waves his little hand in the wrong direction which makes Clarke smile.

• • •

They arrived in LA at 6 in the morning. Augustus had fallen asleep on the plane, he was never a fussy baby. He slept anywhere, she had been lucky to get him. He was a beautiful baby, inside and out. His features screamed Bellamy, he was definitely the spitting image of his father, except for the eyes. Augustus had eyes as blue as the ocean, Clarke would get lost in them. It was the only feature of Clarke in him, other than that he didn't look like his mum at all.

And as for the inside, Augustus had a heart of gold. His manners were the one thing that Clarke made sure she taught him, he wouldn't ask for anything without a please or a thank you. He had only recently discovered the word no, luckily he didn't use it much. . .

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