Chapter 2

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The mover truck arrived at 9:30 the next morning. Clarke and Augustus slept at Jasper and Monty's house that night as they had nothing to sleep on yet. Thankfully Clarke could get her house partially sorted out today, of course, Jasper and Monty wanted to help with everything.

By 6:30 that night Clarke had all of her furniture in her house, it was just a matter of setting it up and putting it where she wanted it to go. She had her bed set up, that was the first thing she wanted to do. Tonight Auggie would sleep in her room, even though thats what he usually did every night back in Australia.

Clarke wasn't sure how he would adapt to having to sleep in his own bed soon. He hated not being with his mom, he is a very fussy baby when he wants his mum. Normally he is fine when she's there but when she leaves all he wants is for her to come back.

She lay there on the bed with Auggie sleeping next to her as she combed her fingers lightly through his hair. She watched her sons small chest rise and fall and she couldn't help but smile. She was surprised that he hadn't asked for his grandma or grandpa yet, he normally wanted to see them before he went to sleep every night. Maybe she would be lucky with him adapting to not having most of his family with him.

She heard a knock at the door. She rolled her eyes, Jasper left his sunglasses here, he was probably coming back to get them.

She kissed Auggie on the cheek before she walked out of the room and towards the front door. She turned on the light just before she opened the door.

As she opened the door her body went stiff from the familiar face she was met with.

"Octavia," Clarke said with a smile as she went in for a hug.

Octavia squealed and hugged Clarke tight. "Why didn't you tell me you were back? I went over to Jasper and Monty's house earlier to find them talking about how nice you're new house was."

Clarke sighed as she motioned for Octavia to come inside. "I was going to come and see you within the next few days," she said as she closed the door behind them.

Octavia smiled as she looked around the place. "It's nice, cozy. Perfect for you."

"Come into the kitchen, i stole a bottle of wine from Monty's stash. Jasper encouraged me to do it so don't blame me," Clarke said as she looked through the boxes for wine glasses.

Clarke mentally high fived herself when she found them covered in bubble wrap at the top of a box of her things.

"I can't believe you're back," Octavia said as Clarke poured the wine.

"Neither can I to be honest," Clarke handed her the wine glass.

Octavia hesitated before taking the glass in her hands. "Thanks," she said sipping the wine.

Clarke giggled and sat her cup on the table.

"So how's ev-" Clarke was interrupted by her baby boy who had started to cry in the room she had left him in.

Clarke gave Octavia a small smile before rushing to the room to see what was wrong. She turned the light on and saw her baby sitting on the bed, his face red and tears streaming down his little cheeks.

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