Chapter 12

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Bellamy had to stay at the hospital for two days for observation. He was okay but he still wasn't fully in the clear, you can imagine that he wasn't happy about that. Clarke desperately needed a shower and Augustus needed to be home as soon as possible, he hadn't had a good sleep in at least three days and that made Clarke feel really guilty.

Bellamy had to take several medications so that he could get better. One for infections, one for pain, and one to help him sleep. Bellamy said that he didn't want any medication but Clarke told the nurse that he should have them just incase, Clarke couldn't bare the thought of losing Bellamy again.

Bellamy was in a wheelchair as the nurse rolled him out to the car, Clarke had her hands full with Augustus and medications. The look on Bellamy's face made Clarke want to laugh, he said that he could walk but the nurse insisted. Bellamy just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible so thats why he didn't put up much of a fight.

After Bellamy got himself into the passenger side of the car Clarke loaded Augustus into his booster seat and sat the medications on the opposite side.

"Okay so the bandage needs to be changed every six hours to prevent infection, and if he starts to experience any sort of pain give him one or two tablets of his pain medication, it depends on how bad the pain is. He needs to come back for a checkup in two weeks, Okay?"

"Yeah, i got it. Thanks so much."

"Don't thank me. ." Clarke looked at her expectantly. "Oh, i-uh i knew your mother when she worked here. Beautiful lady, beautiful spirit. She quite literally saved my life. She would be very proud of you, Clarke. You've made a beautiful life for yourself."

Clarke didn't realise, but there were tears pricking at her eyes. The nurse hugged Clarke and then made her way back inside. A smile tugged at Clarke's lips as she walked to the drivers side of the car.

"Ready to go?" Clarke asked as she buckled her seatbelt in.

Bellamy nodded and his eyes widened when he saw that hers were watery. His face went soft.

"The nurse knew my mom," she told Bellamy and he seemed to understand fully. He grabbed her hand and laced his fingers through hers.

Clarke gave him an appreciative smile and then she started to drive home.

When they got home Clarke was the first one out of the car, she had to get her two 'children' inside. She had to help Bellamy walk so that meant that Augustus had to walk himself up the driveway and to the front door.

Bellamy shooed Clarke away claiming that he was able to walk by himself , little did he know that his body wasn't quite where his head was. He almost fell over when he got out of the car and Clarke chuckled as she helped him to the front door.

She unlocked the door and Augustus ran inside, a small smile appearing on Bellamy's face as he watched his son.

After settling Bellamy onto the couch, Augustus crawling onto his lap, Clarke unpacked the medication. Her body was craving a shower and she couldn't wait to shave her legs. She turned back to Bellamy. "Are you gonna be okay here while i go and have a shower?"

Bellamy smirked. "I could join you."

Clarke blushed very intensely but then she shook her head and looked at her son. "You're forgetting that we have a son in this house, we can't just do whatever the hell we want. And besides, you're supposed to be resting."
Bellamy rolled his eyes. "Stay here, don't move. I'm not calling the ambulance again."

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