Chapter 13

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The next five months passed by faster than any of them had realised. Augustus had finally turned three, he had a small party with his family and a few friends he had met from the park. He and Bellamy's bond was stronger than ever before, they were inseparable. Clarke had to take the back seat while they were bonding, she didn't want to get in the way of them getting to know each other anymore than she already had.

Seeing them together always brought a smile to her face, it was unreal how the same they looked now. Clarke gave them both hair cuts but it just seemed to make the curls even wilder.

Emmerson had been caught by the police and he was now serving 15 years in jail for kidnapping and selling illegal drugs. Clarke and Bellamy could finally breathe now that he was locked up, their son was safe. They were safe.

Echo gave up on Bellamy and moved hours away to some unknown location to pursue a modelling career. Clarke almost started laughing when she saw Echo on the front of a magazine in the store.

Octavia was showing now that she was in her second trimester, her bump was bigger than usual and Clarke was suspicious about her having two buns cooking in there. Octavia didn't know the gender of the baby/babies, she wanted it to be a surprise. Clarke was so excited to be there for the birth of Octavia's second child, she didn't have the chance to be there when James was born and she regrets that.

Clarke loved waking up to Bellamy every morning, Augustus only rarely stayed in their bed now that he had started sleeping in his own.

The house was getting a bit squishy, Clarke didn't really like only having two bedrooms and one bathroom. They were moving into a house that was closer to the police station and the local school. This way it would be easier for Augustus to get to school when he started in a couple of years. It was also easier for Bellamy to get to work when for whatever reason that he didn't have a car.

"Augustus where are you?" Clarke said as she waited for her son by the door. Bellamy was supposed to be dressing him, they had a dinner reservation at a restaurant that Bellamy had insisted on going to. It was some sort of 'special occasion', Bellamy didn't say anymore than that.

There was no answer and Clarke couldn't hear any noise coming from anywhere. Her heart sunk as she put down her hand bag and made her way to the room that they were supposed to be in.

"Bell?" Clarke whispered, no answer.

Clarke started to get worried until it clicked. They were hiding from her. A smile tugged at her lips as she wandered into Augustus's room.

"Where could they be?" She asked herself sarcastically as she made her way over to the wardrobe. This was the only place in Augustus's room where you could truly hide, his bed was too low to fit under there.

She held in her laughter as she put her hand on the handle before pulling it open. There she found Augustus curled up on Bellamy's lap, a big grin displayed on both of their faces.

Bellamy pointed at Augustus. "He made me do it."

Augustus looked up a Bellamy and pointed back. Clarke rolled her eyes signalling that she was annoyed, but inside her heart was fluttering with love for the two boys that sat in front of her.

To Clarke's surprise, Bellamy had managed to dress Augustus and put on his shoes. "Come on, we need to go or we'll be late for the 'special occasion dinner'," Clarke teased Bellamy.

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