Chapter 11

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Clarke felt like all the air was sucked out of her lungs as she watched Bellamy plummet to the ground. Bellamy's eyes were wide as he stared at Clarke as he laid on his side.

Emmerson stumbled backwards, a shocked expression on his face. He was scared, he had actually shot Bellamy. He shook his head as he walked backwards, eyes wide as he stared down at Bellamy laying on the floor.

"Emmerson! Hey listen to me! I know you didn't mean to do that, so untie me and I can help save him." Clarke said, tears falling out of her eyes as she looked at Emmerson pleadingly.

Emmerson shook his head, still staring wide-eyed at Bellamy. Then Emmerson didn't the unimaginable, he bolted out of the room, leaving Clarke tied to a chair and Bellamy bleeding out of the floor.

Clarke bursted out in tears as she looked back at Bellamy, the color from his face was already disappearing. "Bellamy, can you hear me?" Clarke asked.

"Yeah," Bellamy coughed, he brought his hand up to cough into, he coughed out blood.

Clarke shook her head, refusing to believe how bad this was. She didn't know a lot about gunshot wounds but she did know that coughing up blood was not a good sign.

"You're going to be okay, Gina said that some more officers were coming. They'll be here soon, you just need to hold on, okay? Just listen to my voice."

Bellamy nodded. "Okay," Clarke breathed as she tried to pry herself from the ropes that were holding her to the chair. She gasped as she felt the rope dig into her skin, she wasn't loosening the ropes, somehow they were becoming tighter. She tried to yank her hands free, but it resulted in a cry of pain from Clarke.

"Clarke stop," Bellamy said as he tried to move towards her. "You're hurting yourself."

"Bellamy don't move!" She yelled as she looked towards the bullet hole in his lower abdomen, blood was oozing out of it and she knew that if some sort of pressure wasn't on it soon, he would bleed out.

Clarke looked around the room for something, anything that she could use to break herself free. There was nothing, she could tell that the cellar wasn't used much when the facility was up and running.

"Okay, I'm gonna try and break the chair," Clarke said as she positioned herself, ready to stand up.

"Clarke no, you'll get hurt," Bellamy pleaded.

"Bellamy! You're dying!"

That seemed to shut him and she stood up, almost falling over but not quite. She took a deep breath and just before she was about to jump and break the chair, Miller rushed into the room.

"Oh my-- Bellamy?!" He fixed his eyes on the blood that was now pooling on the ground.

"Miller untie me! I can help him!"

Miller sat Augustus on the ground and he went to untie Clarke.

The second Clarke was free, she ran to Bellamy's side.

"Miller call an ambulance, now!" She applied pressure to the wound which resulted in a groan from Bellamy.

His blood felt excruciatingly weird between her fingers but she pushed that feeling down, she had to stay focused.

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