Chapter 3

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Clarke didn't hear from Bellamy for the next three days. She knew that he needed time to process things, and she was fine with that, she understands what he's going through. Finding out that you have a son is a lot to take in. When Clarke got home to Australia after leaving LA all she could do was cry, cry about being pregnant. She refused the abortion the second the doctor suggested it, adoption also wasn't an option for Clarke. Clarke knew that she already loved the baby that was growing inside of her, so she couldn't even dream about getting rid of it.

A few months later, when she was in labor she cried Bellamy's name. She wanted him to be there, not just to help her through it, so that he could witness how beautiful it was seeing your baby be born. Clarke couldn't recall anything more beautiful than that moment, the moment she held her baby for the first time.

Clarke sighed as she finished up stacking her cutlery into one of the kitchen drawers, she almost had her house sorted, it was just a matter of packing small things away to where they belonged.

Augustus was asleep in his moms room, Clarke wouldn't force him to sleep in his own room if he didn't want to. She liked her sons company, even though he would put his freezing little feet on her legs in the morning.

Clarke cleaned off the rubbish from the kitchen bench and threw it in the bin. It was time for bed, Clarke hadn't stopped today. Octavia came over to help for a bit and Clarke asked her about Bellamy. All Octavia did was shake her head at the mention of his name.

Clarke locked the doors and made her way to bed. She snuggled up next to Augustus, who's face was squashed onto was side as he was sleeping. Clarke fell asleep almost instantly. . .

• • •

Clarke's peaceful sleep was interrupted by a faint sound of someone knocking on her front door. Clarke rolled her eyes as she looked at the time on her clock. It was 3:47 in the morning.

Clarke got out of bed quietly so Augustus wouldn't wake up, he would never go back to sleep if he did. She made her way to the front door and unlocked it, it opened a few seconds later and Clarke's mouth went dry.

"Bellamy?" He was leaning against the door frame, half asleep. Clarke knew that he was drunk, she could smell the alcohol on him. "What are you doing here?"

He looked at her and his eyes lit up. "Clarke? I thought this was Octavia's house." He slurred stepping back to take a look at the house.

"Does this look like Octavia's house to you?"

He rolled his eyes. "Forget it." He turned around and started to make his way towards the road.

"Bellamy Blake," Clarke said sternly. The tone of her voice must've scared him because he turned around with a face full of fear. She walked over to him. "Where are you going?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I dont know, Octavia's i guess."

"Why Octavia's? I thought you had a house?"

"I do, I don't really want to be there tonight though. Echo's there and I don't want to come home like this, I'll never hear the end of it."

"Echo?" Clarke said, hurt and jealousy flooding her veins.

"Yes Clarke, Echo. You're not the only one that moved on, except you moved on by hiding my kid from me. How fucked up is that?"

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