Chapter 9

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Despite the looks Clarke was given by Bellamy's co-workers, she still sprinted through the police station. She didn't care what people were thinking about her, her son was missing and that's all that was on her mind.

She got into her car and just as she was about to reverse out of the carpark, Bellamy opened the passenger door and slid into the seat. Clarke could see the tears in Bellamy's eyes. "I'm scared," Clarke said as more tears fell from her eyes. Bellamy grabbed Clarke's hand.

"It's gonna be okay, We'll find him," Bellamy said as he gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

Clarke didn't say anything, tears were still streaming down her face as she sped of in the direction of Octavia's house.

Clarke didn't say anything for the rest of the drive. Bellamy called the station and he was telling them about what had happened. Apparently Miller already had teams on their way to Octavia's house.

When they got there, there was two police cars parked outside the house. Clarke pulled over on the side of the road and jumped out of the car. Bellamy followed suit as she ran towards Octavia, who was talking to the police.

Clarke's mind was racing, the worst thing a mother could go through was having no idea where her child was or if her child was okay. Her heart was beating rapidly, like it wanted to burst out of her chest.

The only thing that was keeping her sane was the hope that her son could just be lost.

"Clarke," Octavia said when she saw the distressed blonde. "I'm so sorry, i was only gone for two seconds." Octavia was trying to explain herself, Clarke didn't care how Augustus went missing, all she wanted was to find him.

"Octavia, calm down. Now tell us exactly what happened," Bellamy said as he put his arm on his sisters shoulder.

Octavia took a deep breath, both Clarke and Bellamy studying her. "I was watching them play in the backyard, the home phone rang so i went inside and grabbed it. I was on the phone, it was a heavy breather so i hung up and when i went back into the yard, Augustus was gone. James was still in the same spot that i left him in, it's like Augustus just. . Vanished." Octavia took a deep breath as more tears spilled out of her eyes. "I'm so sorry."

Bellamy hugged his sister and James.

"So why do you think someone took him?" Clarke finally spoke up, there was no emotion in her voice.

Octavia shrugged. "I don't know, it just felt.. like someone was watching us. . I don't know how to explain it."

Clarke looked at Bellamy, she was about to fall apart completely. Her son was missing and all she could do was wait for the police to do something about it. She felt helpless.

"Clarke, it's going to be okay. We'll find him, I promise."

"Bellamy! We don't know that! For all we know he could be sitting in a ditch somewhere, hurt!" Clarke yelled grasping the attention of almost everyone around them.

They all sent sympathetic glances her way as Bellamy silenced her by pulling her into a tight hug. He kissed her forehead and she sobbed quietly into his shirt.

"Lets go for a drive around town, if we don't find him then we'll go to the police station and file a missing child report. We'll find him."

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