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Exhausted. I'm exhausted by how crappy life can be. One day you can be happy, the other sitting by the door crying because your older brother can't comprehend empathy and quit arguing with mom.

As raindrops hit my bedroom window outside, my eyes drift toward my bracelet. I admire the crystal butterfly on it, playing with it. I snap back into reality once I hear a slam towards the table, causing me to run towards the door. 

"You know what? I'm completely done with your bull crap. You're always telling me what to do when you don't even know what's happening! You think you know what's good for me when you don't! You're the whole reason why dad left in the first place!" I hear my brother's muffled voice intensely while my mother cries. 

The sound of my brother slamming the front door echoes through my home, causing me to put walk to my bed and grab my headphones. I'm too used to this crap and it sucks so much. It happens too much. I still don't know how we work. Maybe it's another question for the book of broken families.
I look down at my phone, seeing the Netflix suggestion- my #1 pick is the anime: The Seven Deadly Sins, possibly the only anime I fell in love with.
I'm hooked.
Everybody there is so full of bravery and magic. If only that existed in my reality; although I'm still deciding on shipping Diane x King or Diane x Houser- not sure?

Oh and there's Gowther. He's so smart, brave, and kind, but I can tell he needs to learn more, like any of the other sins. If only...If only I can escape this world and have something interesting happen in my life, at least let me fly myself to another country with fairies or something-

Life isn't going well - just kill me now right? I'd make a kickass demon in hell.

I interrupted myself when the screen on my phone showed Meliodas having a moment with Elizabeth,
- My depressing thoughts can wait!

As I watched both of them looking into each other's eyes, I noticed a strange figure in the background lifting their arm towards both of them, but Meliodas didn't seem to know they were there.
Oh, my gods! What's gonna happen?!

" Look at the man behind you already!" I yelled at the screen, an inch away from my phone.
My heart dropped when suddenly Meliodas and Elizabeth look next to them as if they heard me...
Breaking the fourth wall? Has this ever happened?


All of a sudden my phone began to heat up, causing me to let go instinctively. I blow on my hands, helping with the small sting caused by my phone. I take my headphones off and back away from my phone. What the hell?
A black-light shot out of my phone making me back and step away further only to trip on my manga that was on the floor.
" Damn it Bleach!" I yell as the light transformed into smoke and started to fill my room. I couldn't see anything but darkness, my heart was beating faster than ever. I crawl towards where the door is supposed to be but feel myself catch nothing. 
It's beginning to get harder to breathe. I cover my mouth. 
I attempt to navigate myself out of the room through my window, only to realize my walls and door seemed to disappear in the smoke.

"You belong to me now."

My eyes widen when two pitch-black arms come out of the smoke, grabbing me by the legs and clamping their sharp nails into my skin causing me to scream.
The pain was unbearable. I wanted to die already, but their arms pulled me into nowhere I could see and all I did was try to hold onto something. 

Suddenly, I feel someone grab hold of my waist and pull me away from the darkness. The nails were still embedded into my skin and the more they pulled me away from the others, the nails went down to my feet causing me to cry in pain, blood now becoming extremely visible. 

Everything went so fast, my mind was everywhere that my body began to fail. I feel so lightheaded. I close my eyes, grabbing onto the pair of arms around my waist, seeing my vision fade to black. 

One Sin ~ Gowther  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now