Chapter 7

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---Meliodas's P.O.V---

Ban was carrying me home because he lost a bet. He thinks he could actually win.

"You know master, why couldn't you carry me and the captain?" Ban asked Hawk, Hawk only responded with a shriek and ran toward the tavern. Once everyone got to the tavern, I jump off of Ban and run upstairs. As I sensed, Gowther was upstairs but didn't expect him outside my bedroom door. That's a little creepy.

"Hey Gowther, mind telling me what are you doing?" I ask. Gowther just blinked and opened the door slowly; inside the darkroom, the light from the hallway lit enough to spot Y/n sleeping peacefully.

"Why are you standing here?" I whisper to Gowther. He only looked at me and back at her.

"I do not know?"

That's weird. Gowther not knowing?

"Okay then have fun." I walk downstairs hoping I could sneak in another boob groping.

---the next day----

"Y/n! Wake Up!!!"
Ban yelled as King shoves him to shut up.

Y/n quickly sits straight up, putting her hands out.
"W-What!? Did I finally get the monkey!?"
Y/n asked, still half asleep. Ban and King laughed as I chuckle, touching her shoulder and shaking her. She finally awoke and looked around. "Why are you two laughing?"
She asked, not knowing what happened.
King scratched behind his neck and nervously chuckled while Ban acted like a monkey.
Y/n ignored it and turned her head to me.

"Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed."
"No problem. By the way- I got you this outfit from the town for you, it's a gift from me!" I say, handing her a bag.

--Y/N's P.O.V---

I take out half the outfit and sweat drop because the outfit he got for Elizabeth was very open from what I remember and this will probably be very revealing. F***k
I take out the outfit and was surprised to see a dress! The dress was so pretty, not too revealing, and cute! Wow! (Picture)

 F***kI take out the outfit and was surprised to see a dress! The dress was so pretty, not too revealing, and cute! Wow! (Picture)

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I stand up and side-hug Meliodas "Thank you so much!"I say hugging him but was interrupted when I felt him squeeze my butt. I quickly backed away as the blood rushed to my face. "Can you seriously stop that?!" I said my patience was at an all-time low. 
He shrugged while I rolled my eyes. I walked to the nearest bathroom to change.

Once I'm in the bathroom I turn around and see a mirror. Holy crap! I'm an anime girl!
I didn't really care about how I looked after all that happened! I look at myself in anime form looking at all of it e/c eyes,s/c skin looking soft, and my h/l h/c. But, not gonna lie...I don't look bad~ 

I say to myself, practically bringing my confidence to another level. As I put on the dress, it fits perfectly, admiring how nice it felt as well.
I look at my ripped f/c, black jeans, and f/c converse I had on, throwing them in the trash.
"R.I.P ripped clothes..."I say quietly. I walk out of the bathroom and see all three guys in the room looking at me. I blush and awkwardly wave, slowly walking to the exit so I can gtfo. (get the f*** out!)
Once I get to the door, it swings open causing me to fall back, but the person quickly grabs me by the waist pulling me towards them, my head on their chest. I look up and see Gowther making me instantly blush. 
For a moment he looked away, his eyes getting covered by his hair as a bright red dusted his cheeks. 
He turns back at me- smiling!?

Gowther looks straight into my eyes, coming closer to my face. I can't take these cheesy anime tropes anymore!

"You look very beautiful in that dress Y/n."

My eyes widen causing me to laugh nervously. He lets go of me and I begin to scream inside. "T-thank you- imma go downstairs and see if Diane is busy o-or you know!" I say quickly. 

"I-I'm going with you Y/n!"I hear King say as I run down the stairs. Did that actually happen?! STOP SMILING!

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