The End

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that's the story line I'm going with!😂😂
Fan-fiction is hard!!

When you got awesome readers it puts a lot of pressure you know 😂

But next time I'll have a layout that's for sure😅

By the way if any of you are interested in how I was actually going to put it in the middle of the ending here it is-

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By the way if any of you are interested in how I was actually going to put it in the middle of the ending here it is-

———-Chapter 24 Failed ————
"Wait!" My eyes widen, shoving him down to the ground,running towards the only light coming from the cave.My legs felt weak and some blood leaked out of my body ,but I pushed thru it. Taking in the air flowing against my face,it felt refreshing to my wounds. I dropped my body once I was close to the edge of the cliff, grabbing the grass pulling me up.
Once I was at the tip,I looked down seeing Gowther's body as his blood flows in the rivers water.

"Come on Y/n...You Can do this..."

With my last words,I slowly stood up. Extending my arms and took a deep breath...
'I know this is it.'

I jumped.

The air under me felt horrible, my body was calm at first when suddenly my body fell flat and my stomach felt like something was twisting it.I couldn't breath,the air under me wouldn't let me breath,I didn't know what to do as the knots became worse.


I screamed his name and looked down at the rocks of the river under me, my heart felt like it stopped and I covered my eyes while curling up in a ball.


Suddenly something stopped me from hitting the river, it's arms wrapped around me,pulling my head towards their chest,shielding me from looking anywhere else.
They twisted and bolted us away from the river.
As my feet feel the ground,my whole body goes limp but they don't let me go,kept me close and brought me up.
I see his hazel orbs,his light soft and untouched.

" Please don't attempt something so drastic as that my dear."

I smile weakly ,cupping his face and slammed my lips to his. So soft and warm,he pulls me closer,pressing my body against his.
I knew he was still there, I know he wouldn't let me die...I knew exactly what kind of monster he was the moment i saw him on my screen.I pull away and-


I came to realize that was a cheap way to end the story rather than it is 😐

I came to realize that was a cheap way to end the story rather than it is 😐

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But still

Thank you to everyone who waited and supported me in this !! I know this fan fiction will be thrown in with all the rest but really thank you so much!!!!! I LOVES YOU PEOPLES SO MUCH💕💕💕💕💕💕😭😭💕
I'll be around probably making up another story, yeahhhh I said story but idk 🙃

If you guys wanna suggest any other fanfics I should do I'll definitely go for it, try and be more organized, schedules and shiz this times!
Please leave in the comments and share if you know another anime shipping otaku out there😉
Baiiii Peoples~~~ 💕💕

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