Chapter 17

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"My gem?"
I place my hand on my wrist covering my gem.


"Why do you want my gem?"

She snaps her fingers and the sound echoes, owls bring a wooden box to the woman's hands. The box was decorated in blue paint with white flowers.
She opens it.
It revealed gems. Blue, green, red, but one was missing...

"Each gem represents the person who posses it. Green for rabbit which represents comfort, trickster, and cleverness."She said while pulling out the green rabbit gem.

"Red for bear which represents courage, strength, and healing."

"Blue for deer, which represents gentleness, sensitivity, and harmony."

She then points at the empty spot in the box.
"And Purple for the butterfly which represents hope, power, and joy...with all these gems together the possibilities are endless."

I back away as she was getting closer to me.

Suddenly she closes the box shut making me squeak.
"You see Y/n, these gems come from the heavens and dropped down to people from other worlds who take care of it to keep the barrier between light and darkness away from each other, but why keep those gems all scattered when I could just control what happens and can make this world-No better! all worlds better!"
An owl takes the box away from the woman, she pulls down her hood and smiles. Her face pale and eyes red.
"Now give me the gem."

I jump back.
"You think I'm just gonna give my gem to you? A crazy woman who wants to control worlds?!"

She growls and walks backward.

"This gem holds pain and tears every time I look at it, but I made a promise to never let it go. So if you expect me to just hand it over to you, it's never gonna happen."

I look at the woman. Her head ticks, But stops.

"Well then if you not gonna hand it over then I guess you wouldn't care if your beloved gets killed."


My eyes widen when I see Gowther chained like a dog, his chest and back bloodily from cuts and marks. I see the person holding the chains and it's another Gowther?! But he looked unharmed.
The owl lady chuckles and snaps her fingers turning the Gowther holding the chains into a different person!
"One of my servants changed to look like your Gowther just so I could get to you."

Gowther gets thrown to the ground in front of me and I quickly fall to the ground-hugging his beaten body. I look at his face, he blinks a few times but without his glasses, I don't think he could see me.
"Gowther you can get out of this right?! You can!"
He shook his head slowly. No...
"Gowther, I'm so sorry!"I said crying and hugging him, he didn't move a muscle.

"Now get off of him!"I hear someone say, They pull me away from Gowther and drag him to the ground kicking his stomach.
I cried as Sam held me.
"I will when you give me the gem!"

My tears poured out."I'll give you anything just don't hurt anyone!!"

I reached for my bracelet but my hand was stopped. I sniffed and looked up. I wiped my eyes to see Gowther in front of me...
Everything around me was black.


He nods and grabs my hand."It's me Y/n."

I widen my eyes and shake my head in disbelief."How do I know it's really you?"
"Because I'm the one who watched over you at night. I'm the one who searched every village for answers. I'm the one that...likes your company..."
He cups my face and gently caresses my cheek.
"I have read books to try and find out what feeling I get when I'm around you. You just seem...very interesting to me. Forgive me for I do not know how to express what I am feeling."Gowther says, head down."Don't give the gem to the woman, even if I die."

"I-I'm not gonna let that happen even if it kills me in the process. Forgive me Gowther, I'm so sorry."

I sniff and bring up his head.
"Gowther I know your the sin and a hero but it's time for me to save you, I'm aware those chains are different, they're hurting you and I need to stop that because I..."I said forcing a smile as tears ran down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry my love~"

Before I say anything to Gowther, He pulls me in. It seemed like time stood still. He pulled our bodies together, as I close my eyes and take in the feeling of soft rose petals brushing across my lips as we moved in sync. My heart raced as the warmth of his body against mine made everything around me silent. The kiss was everlasting as our bodies were close. Then He pulled away.
I open my eyes and he smiles, while the darkness around me fades.


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