Chapter 13

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The shadow of the man emerges, showing his raven black hair, yellow eyes, and tan skin. He was tall and had an eyepatch. Is that a pirate?
His sword was sharp and had a yellow crystal similar to the crystal I had but no figure.

Before I could do anything, Gowther quickly grabbed me bridal style, jumping high enough to land on top of a building. Gowther ran and jumped to other buildings as I was in his arms looking back. Suddenly two new figures jump on the rooftops and began chasing us.
What the hell is happening!?
"Gowther there's two more behind us!" I yelled towards Gowther as he kept running.

"I'm aware."

I could hear people in the town begin to scream along with swords clashing. My eyes widen in horror at the sight of people dead on the ground. Everything slowed at the sight. Their bodies in a puddle of their own crimson-red blood; the sight of a small child lying there made my blood quicken.

"Gowther put me down, "I said aloud enough for Gowther to hear.

"No, I will not allow you to get hurt Y/n." He said completely normal; with no emotion, no care. What is wrong with him?!
I felt tears in the corners of my eyes and took a deep breath. How could he be like that? He's never like that? I take a deep breath and felt something switch on within me.

I take one last look into Gowther's expression, swiftly pushing myself off of Gowther causing me to fall forward. I see Gowther attempt to catch me again, but I brace myself for impact. I fall onto something bouncy, an umbrella from a fruit stand catching my fall. I carefully jumped down to the ground but stumbled; scraping my knees. 

Everyone around me is running away from these pirate wannabe attackers. I look at the rooftops and see Gowther pulling out his bow made out of electric pink. I'm sorry Gowther, but I can't let you run away with me in your arms while others are down here getting killed. I look back and run. I look for a weapon and find a dagger, picking it up, feeling its blade with my finger, and ensuring it can cause damage. I flinch at the small cut it left, leaving me to wipe the blood off with my dress. Screw it, the dress is already ripped.
I see a small boy running and then tripping over the scattered food on the floor. Behind them came another guy with the same sword.

People are sick. Killing children.

I growl and run towards the child, he immediately hides behind me, his brown eyes filled with fear. I look at the man standing in front of me. His face is covered in an owl-shaped mask...
"You think too highly of yourself little girl." He said and charged towards me.

I felt my blood quicken, tightening my grasp on my dagger. I can do this. My dagger clashed with his sword causing me to be pushed back, but leaving me enough space below him to get him. I dived below him,  using my dagger to stab his knee - causing him to drop to the ground. He swung his sword to attempt to get me, cutting my arm. He tries to get up, but as soon as he could, A sword impales his chest suddenly. The small boy had stabbed him from behind completely saving me. I breathe heavily while a small smile crept on my face. He drops the sword, running away toward his guardian. 

I turn back around, only to be punched in the face. I fall backward, groaning from the pain. I look to see who punched me, spotting the same 'laddie' Gowther and I confronted earlier. I quickly grab the sword of the attacker the child killed next to me. 

"Now now, let's not get too cocky Y/n."

"How the hell do you know my name...?"I said getting up and shaking the pain away. Now hold up a heavy sword.
He tapped on the crystal on his sword and looked at mine. I check to see my sword, spotting a similar crystal. 

"Let's just say...we're close..."

I widen my eyes but get back onto the situation. 
"I don't believe you. A person who kills the innocent is not and will never be in my family."

I lunge towards him as he clashes the sword with mine. He attempts to trip me, but I jump kicking his jaw, making him stumble back. "That's for the punch!" I angrily said. He wiped his bloody mouth and smirked. He attempts to stab me, but I jumped out of the way in time. He unexpectedly swung clockwise cutting my side. The smell of metal came in, I look down and see my black blood begin to show.

" Oh my... A demon?!? Don't worry love-"

He flashes behind me-kicking my body forward, I fall to the ground blood coming out of my scraps and cuts. I let go of my grip on the sword. 

"I'll make it fast-" 

I stand up and throw the old dagger next to me; at him, hitting his shoulder and making him flinch in pain. I quickly run at him, grabbing the dagger and pushing it in, but he grabs one of my arms throwing me back to the ground

---Third-Person P.O.V---

Y/n laid on the ground, scratches, cuts, and blood everywhere on her body. She held the pain, for so long. Y/n attempted to stand up but was stopped when a well-aimed kick in her lower abdomen caused her to spit out blood and be thrown back. People said that you get used to the pain, but Y/n couldn't take another hit. Y/n curled up in a ball as she held herself, but no tears came out.
The attacker aggressively got Y/n's hair, bringing her close to him.

His grin sent chills down Y/n's body as his sharp bloody teeth were shown to her.
"I'll tell her you died painfully." He said happily, his yellow pupils small. The searing pain was sent through Y/n's body as he punches her, causing her to be flung back to a wall, but was stopped from death when a figure flashed past the attacker; catching Y/n.

They stop and the dust clears up.

"Hey kid you alright?"

Y/n forces herself to look up and sees Ban, above her. She silently chuckles and looks back at her attacker, the pain getting worse.

"You're fucked now."

Those were the last words Y/n said as soon as her vision became black. 

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